
Monday, November 14, 2016

Of Mice and Men

I normally don't post about work, but the other day I had to write up a timeline of events. Here's what I did about one hot order over a 24 hour period, in additional to all of my regular duties:

0800 learned part showing in V was not there.
0805 advised A to ship, based on their inventory report showing parts on hand
0810 called truck driver to see where he was
0815 A confirmed parts were ready to ship
0820 advised V that truck would deliver
0900 directed stamper to ship more to A
1000 B emails first working version of inventory report, something we'd been working on since July.
1245 truck arrived at V with wrong part
1250 directed truck back to A
0110 updated E
0130 learned parts would ship on F truck
0205 updated T and others on conf call
0210 updated R and J what had happened so far
0300 learned parts were not on F truck
0305 lined up hotshot to deliver parts to A immediately
0310 called N to confirm. He was developing plan to avoid missed shipments with E
0315 advised stamper of hotshot
0320 showed SC that parts were listed as old PN. planned for A to paint either parts on hand or parts to arrive at 6 pm. Have parts ready for pickup at 4:45 am.
0350 updated R of plan
0400 discussed this plan with T who figured parts delivering at 6 pm could ship at 10 pm.
0430 learned parts had been picked up early (4 pm)
0435 took call from SH on another hot part
0440 discussed both with E
0445 called hotshot driver for an update
0450 discussed with D
0455 redirected hotshot straight to Augusta
0500 advised everyone involved of plan including C
0505 called hotshot driver for an ETA
0510 touched base with S again, plan still on for 4:45
0515 called freight to make sure truck would be early
0530 T called with night shift manager's name and number, still wanting a partial asap
0535 called SM at A, who was hanging parts. He would see if I could pick up at 1 am
0540 called hotshot to line up midnight pickup
0545 SM at A says 4:45 is the best they can do.
0550 cancelled midnight hotshot
0555 sent email below advising everyone that 445 plan was the best A could do, and was still a go
0615 SC called not happy that I'd called SM, but would check on pickup time
0640 SC called back confirming 445 pickup time
0645 called truck to confirm 445 pickup
0720 T called during my meeting, but I couldn't take call. DL had told him parts would be ready at one and gave me MW's name but no number
0721 I texted T back
1033 T texted, still wanting a 1 am shipment
1035 I returned text saying both SC and SM said A couldn't ship until 4:45
1040 we both texted SM but received no response
1045 T asked why, I forgot that paperwork and lack of truck loader were issues
1050 T said parts needed at 5 am, I replied 3 others had told me 530
0400 driver arrives at A
0455 T calls, both SH and N text me.
0500 I call driver, who has yet to be loaded. I text SC and try to call A
0510 driver is loaded and is pulling out of A
0515 updated everyone via text and email
0605 returned D's email

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