
Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Christians Against Trump?

Last year Bryant Wright came out and said he was not voting for Trump (or Hillary). But he said he would pray for the President, and remain a patriotic American. Michael Youssef voted for Trump. He had his reasons. Polls say 80% of evangelical Christians support Trump.
What does this mean? Does it mean Christians love and adore everything Trump does? Surely not. Perhaps they merely answered the poll that way because they did not support the opponents of Trump. Perhaps because they voted for Trump – perhaps because he was the lesser of two electable evils. If neither electable candidate is worthy, should one vote for someone who has no chance of winning? Why? As a matter of conscience? So it could be said “Well I didn’t vote for him!” Should the reply to that be “So you voted for Hillary?”
Many of the 20% who do not support Trump do so proudly, and quite vocally. It doesn’t take a seminary degree to discern the President’s numerous sins (though some may think so). How could any follower of Christ support a man who says and does what Trump does? While this is certainly true, why is it so important to publicly distance themselves from such an unsavory character? Just to look spiritual by saying “look at me, I won’t be suckered in by this evil man”? WWJD?
Is this evil, imperfect man setting better policies than his rival would be making? Is he wrong to say his job is to keep the best interests of the USA in mind, as opposed to placing the interests of other countries before the US? He may say all the wrong things and look overtly smug and spend too many weekends in South Florida, but many people smarter and more in the know than me think Trump has put together a decent team of wise leaders in positions of authority. No, they aren’t perfect either. They may have not voted perfectly every time in a long career. Don’t most of us have skeletons in our closets?
Take education for example. Is the public school system running so well that improvements shouldn’t be made? Things are far worse than when I was in school. There are many fine teachers who do a great job and work long hours. It’s not their fault the entire system is fighting a losing battle. Should the person tabbed to run the system be expert in every nuance of education? Or is it good enough that the person has established a record of leadership and making good decisions?
Where I work it’s not good enough to do the same things we’ve always done. The same results aren’t good enough. Growth is expected. More is expected from less. If things don’t improve, expect to be left behind – or out the door. Complaining does do good. Instead work to make things better. Get with the program or get out the door. Let’s see your war face.     
We have always lived in a fallen world. Our country continues its slide into moral decay. There are so many unsavory individuals in politics, sports, entertainment, and every other walk of life. Why does Trump deserve special attention? Why not rant and rave about all of them? No human deserves adulation, though I’d hope there are Christian leaders in the world worthy of at least following. Yet today someone is finding fault in almost everyone, no matter who they are. Billy Graham. Franklin Graham. Jimmy Carter. George Bush. Andy Stanley. John Piper. Is it our job to judge, to point out flaws in a person’s doctrine? Are we becoming modern day Pharisees? Is anyone pure? Or perfect?
Some comment and post as if they know all the answers. I sure don’t. Is it really that important to constantly state how I feel, where I stand? Seems like social media is doing more to further divide our country – Christians included. Satan wants division. So does Soros. Wouldn’t it be better to spend this time thinking of way to bring everyone together – healing rather than wounding? There is enough dividing people these days: race, religion, gender identity, politics. People say they want healing – as long as it’s on their terms. Are they not listening to the words coming out of their mouths?
Sure, I am just as guilty. I complain too much and place unreasonable expectations on those around me, while failing to meet similar expectations myself. I struggle whether to comfort refugees that may be terrorist wolves in sheep’s clothing. In the words of the late Michael Jackson, I’m starting with the man in the mirror.
There are better things on which to focus.

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