
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Rules of Etiquette

Fifty Little Social Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow, compiled by Arricca Sansone for Country Living Magazine. Wanted to type them out to better internalize. I’m good at some (most?) but still need work on a few.

1. Say Please and Thank You
2. Smile.
3. Hold the door for the person behind you.
4. Step outside to answer phone calls.
5. Give people a pass when they’re having a bad day.
6. Look at the person who is speaking to you.
7. Let someone go in front of you in line.
8. Cough or sneeze in your elbow.
9. Learn people’s names.
10. Handwrite thank-you notes.
11. Put your smartphone away during meals.
12. Be on time.
13. Clean up after your pet.
14. Always RSVP.
15. Ask before posting. Not everyone wants to be all over social media. You’re not a reporter – so stop spreading the news.
16. Curb your potty mouth.
17. Keep the noise down at work.
18. Shake hands firmly. And stand and make eye contact when you shake.
19. Don’t bring your smelly leftovers to the office.
20. Dress for the occasion.
21. Use your turn signal.
22. Wash your hands after using the restroom.
23. Park your shopping cart on the side of the aisle. Not the middle.
24. Ask permission to use someone’s first name.
25. Clean up after yourself.
26. Wait a day before reacting to a snarky email or text.
27. Push your chair in when you leave a table.
28. Ask before bringing a guest.
29. Wait until everyone has been served to start eating.
30. Be a good dinner guest.
31. Sit like a royal
32. Stay home when you are sick.
33. Knock before you enter.
34. Remember your table manners: napkin in lap. No elbows on the table. Chew with your mouth closed.
35. Reach out to people who are grieving. Don’t pretend nothing happened. If you don’t know what to do, simply say you’re sorry.
36. Let people off the elevator first before you get on.
37. Teach your kids good manners.
38. Silence your smartphone at the movies.
39. Help someone who is clearly struggling.
40. Thank a veteran for their service.
41. Bring food: to a new neighbor, or to someone grieving or who’s been sick.
42. Wipe down the exercise machine after you use it.
43. Take your shopping cart back to the corral.
44. Don’t groom yourself in public.
45. Skip controversial or noisy topics at parties.
46. Learn to say you’re sorry.
47. When you enter a room, greet everyone.
48. Return calls.
49. Never show up empty handed.
50. Be a pleasant house guest.

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