
Friday, January 25, 2019

Ten Second Tidy

Watched an episode of Tidying Up on Netflix, which seems to be a sensation. Marie Kondo, the Japanese host, speaks little English but lives in Los Angeles. Has published four books and is a sought after speaker. On the show she comes off almost timid and shy. Lots of tidying, but no ten second tidy like the old Comfy Couch kids show.

When she first meets the people she’s helping, she takes time to kneel on the floor and appears to be praying for guidance on how to help. An article in the Huffington Post said she is practicing the Shinto religion of her ancestors. I guess the Huffington Post wanted to make it clear she isn’t praying to Jesus Christ. 

Seven quick ways to boost energy:

Laugh. Makes you feel better, and has replenishing and refreshing effects.
Drink a glass of water. Prevents high blood sugar.
Smell peppermint. Enhances memory, increases alertness. Better physical performance.
Take the stairs. Energizes and recharges better than caffeine in coffee.
Drink coffee, it has antioxidants.
Upgrade your snack to include fiber and protein: almonds or fruit.
Go outside for a calming influence and vitamin D.

Not sure if you heard recently the stir Andy had caused, preaching on how the main story of the Bible is the New Testament and Christ’s resurrection. People who hadn’t heard the full sermon, or the sermon series, or heard Andy speak in general incorrectly took that to mean  Andy thought the Old Testament was unimportant. Doesn’t matter all the times Andy has preached from the Old Testament.

Pretty sure this was why some people left North Point (but I have some other friends who plan on going back now that they’re empty nesters). In general it’s sad to see people I know being fooled by fake news, jumping to conclusions, not digging for the truth, and dragging others down with them. In the end days people will be fooled by the antichrist, and I look around now and can see how. New York legalizes late term abortions, and instead of weeping at the murder of babies, instead talk about the wording of the decree in legal terms.

When Andy speaks he usually wants to have the listener remember one main point. So many speakers will make four or five points, with several other side points, and afterwards the listener can’t remember anything from the message. Sunday after Sunday Andy keeps it simple. It must bother people that they can’t communicate as simply and clearly.

I hear some people talk and I just want to say “JUST GET TO THE POINT!” They make preamble after preamble and tell a story and stammer and stumble and it takes them forever to say what they want to say. Many of these people haven’t worked in the real world for a long time. At work people don’t have time to listen to a long-winded, rambling exhortation. The same with sermons. If you don’t make your point quickly, people quit listening and start thinking about the other things they have to do. I’m not the greatest, but I’ve gotten better over the years.

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