
Friday, February 01, 2019

Busy Week

Tuesday: stepped off a curb wrong. Lucky I didn’t fall down or sprain my ankle. Thought my back would start hurting, but it hasn’t. Since it was going to rain and snow yesterday I wore waterproof shoes that I had forgotten weren’t too comfortable. Then I was on my feet more than I imagined, so it was a tiring day. But I’m feeling ok today. Wearing more comfortable shoes.  
Also at the Experience one of the displays is sponsored by Seta so we could lie down and test out their mattresses. For Wednesday I came up with a new plan to cut down on standing / walking (and to stay out of the cold). We parked across the street from the Hawks arena, walked through the CNN Center, then outside to the Congress Center entrance. sit.
The snow was a big non-event. Hoped all the kids went to the Super Bowl Experience Tuesday, but the crowds were just as large on Wednesday. Not much to do and see for grownups. Super Bowl Experience: the people watching was pretty good.
Ceil didn’t have school Tuesday so she cleaned out her closet. She has a carload of stuff ready to take to Goodwill. To celebrate we ate chicken fajitas at Pappasitos.
Wednesday: ate with Reid at a wing place in Sandy Springs. His burger did look good, almost too big for the bun. My BBQ chicken tenders were good as well. Will had recommended the place, but this morning he admitted he had never been there!
Took my time going home, taking surface streets the whole way – Peachtree to Roswell Road to Abernathy / Johnson Ferry, then Lower Roswell to Timber Ridge. Still beat Ceil home from her small group. Turned on the NFL Network and the CBS Sports Network, who were broadcasting live from that Super Bowl Experience. Deion Sanders was the host, and one of his guests was John Smoltz. The pitcher compared Sanders to Rickey Henderson, which I thought was a bit of a stretch.
I am checking Amazon more and more. I get Amazon gift cards and try to save up for something big. That’s how I got my Apple Watch, that automatically tracks how far I walk, etc. Also my Rawlings wallet. Now I have my eye on a leather briefcase or duffle bag or both. Ceil is buying something from Amazon almost every week, if not more often.
Thursday: worked until 6:30 last night. Ceil made spaghetti and meatballs – with ground chicken and brown rice noodles. Also tossed salad. Yesterday afternoon I hadn’t felt too good, like I was coming down with something. Felt better after eating but still crashed on the couch after help in C with the dishes. Also washed three loads of laundry. Went to bed at ten.
Friday: drove up to Lavonia for my coworker’s farewell lunch. Here at our office everyone brought in food to celebrate the Super Bowl: meatballs, hot dogs, dip, brownies, chips, cookies, fruit, Brunswick stew, etc.  

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