
Sunday, June 09, 2019

Social Etiquette Mistakes

As always, I type these up as a reminder to myself. Some I’m okay at, others not so much. Some people could care less about social etiquette. They’re only interested in what they want to do. Others grew up in other cultures and haven’t bothered to assimilate to our country’s ways of doing things.  
1. Neglecting thank you notes just because you said thank you in person.
2. Not introducing people
3. Assuming someone else is treating.
4. Not offering to clean up when someone else cooks.
5. Arguing online.
6. Talking on the phone in a restaurant or store.
7. Not making eye contact.
8. Inviting extra guests to events without asking, especially weddings.
9. Bringing your dog with you everywhere.
10. Listening to something without your headphones on.
11. Being late.
12. Pointing at people.
13. Replying to all on emails.
14. Not saying “please” and “thank you.”
15. Texting while talking to someone.
16. Not following up on a date.
17. Not bringing something to a party, even if it is just flowers.
18. Assuming your children are always welcome.
19. Tipping too little.
20. Forgetting to RSVP.
Twenty social etiquette mistakes you should stop making by age fifty.
1. using text speak.
2. yawning without covering your mouth.
3. giving unsolicited advice.
4. tagging people in photos without their permission.
5. seasoning your food before tasting it.
6. talking with your mouth full.
7. telling people they look tired.
8. not using a turn signal.
9. licking your fingers.
10. opening an umbrella indoors.
11. delivering news via email that should be delivered in person
(or announcing news to a group that should first be delivered to an individual, like a transfer, promotion, or demotion).
12. not cleaning up after your pet.
13. using all caps.
14. not putting the toilet seat down.
15. cursing at inappropriate times.
16. chewing loudly.
17. standing people up.
18. talking about money.
19. friending people you don’t know on social media.
20. not putting your shopping cart back.
1. Answering the phone with something other than hello.
2. Not bringing a gift to parties.
3. Being late.
4. Dressing too casually for events.
5. Being stingy with tips.
6. Leaving on read receipts.
7. Overdoing the PDA.
8. Not responding to emails in a timely manner.
9. Smoking in confined places.
10. Going into detail when excusing yourself.
11. Leaving your headphones in while talking.
12. Shushing someone.
13. Reaching across the table.
14. Not saying ”excuse me” when trying to get past someone.
15. Being on your phone when ordering.
16. Not putting your napkin in your lap.
17. Talking in movie theaters.
18. Putting your bag or feet on seats.
19. Interrupting.
20. Passing just the salt.
21. Not thanking your host.
22. Leaving your hat on inside.
23. Not covering your sneeze.
24. Drinking too much.
25. Not walking single file on a crowded sidewalk.
26. Talking with your mouth full.
27. Not introducing others.
28. Hanging up on people.
29. Leaving the sound on.
30. Using the last of something without replacing it.
31. Forgetting to send thank you notes.
32. Grooming in public.
33. Eating with your elbows on the table.
34. Engaging in one-sided conversations.
35. Not holding the door (though it makes some liberals mad).
36. Pointing at people.
37. Not following up after interviews.
38. Responding with emojis.
39. Cutting in line.
40. Using the wrong utensils.
Social Media Etiquette Mistakes
1. Tagging friends and family members without asking.
2. Complaining about your job.
3. Posting too frequently
4. Overusing hashtags
5. Forcing a connection.
6. Oversharing your personal info.
7. Announcing you’re cleaning up your friend list.
8. Asking (or begging) for followers.
9. Bragging or showing off.
10. Talking about your business venture on Facebook.
11. Forgetting to write back.
12. Posting that you’re taking a break from social media. Don’t announce it. Just do it. You won’t be missed. The world will be a better place because of it.
Inflammation triggers are different for every person. Research is evolving and complex. Diet is just one of many triggers. Also stress, physical activity, etc. Chronic inflammation can be harmful if it occurs too often. Diseases linked to inflammation include heart disease, diabetes, depression, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.  
Burgers and fries are bad. Also sugar – donuts, soda, HFCS, margarine, shortening, microwave popcorn, fried foods, store bought baked goods, vegetable and seed oils, white bread, alcohol, grilled meat, processed meat (hot dogs), and foods you are allergic to. Anti-inflammatory foods include salmon and vegetables.

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