
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Which is Harder?

Today's office debate drew a crowd: which is harder to do consistently?

1. drive a golf ball 300 yards, working it around the dogleg into the fairway.

2. hit a 85 MPH curveball, breaking down and away from you, with two out in the bottom of the 9th with the tying run on second.

3. pick up a spare with a 7 - 10 split.

The guy who said hitting a golf ball was tougher than hitting a baseball used Tim Tebow as an example of how easy baseball is. Poor choice. The second-greater college football player in history is currently ranked lowest in all of minor league baseball.

Not much to report. Barney was sick. Feeling poorly. Last week he grabbed a piece of chicken off the table, something he never does. I tried to get it away from him and pulled off some of the bone, but he ate some of the bone. Not sure if that had anything to do with it. He hadn't been sick before. But what do I know?

Got a lot of work done yesterday, with more all week. Month end. Quarter end. End of the first half of the year. Boss has been sent out on the road to shepherd young outside salespeople. Our outside sales guy came in yesterday but is back out on the road today. Angie wasn't feeling well after getting a tooth pulled yesterday, so she's out. Not sure why Brad is working from home today. Just me and Rachel here in the office. Got my regular work, plus month end work for my customer, plus month end work for our region, plus old material to dispose of, plus fixing a problem for my old department, plus fixing a problem for Houston.

Not much else. Beans and rice for supper Monday night, plus tossed salad. Watched some Braves, and Cinderella.

Tonight Will played softball with his former little league teammate Darren. They play at my old field, at Northside Drive Baptist Church.

Another development in Roswell, adding over 800 more cars to the streets. Smack dab in the middle of my commute.

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