
Thursday, January 09, 2020

The Guardians

Enjoying the latest Grisham book The Guardians, about the lawyer/priest working to get innocent people out of jail. Very good. It’s great to be able to listen to my book while running at the gym. Thinking I could watch Parenthood while running on the treadmill since I still have 90 episodes to go, but that would take away from my reading.   

Ceil’s mom was transferred from the hospital to a rehab facility, but she’s not getting much care there. Rusty is leaving for the national championship game so Ceil is headed up to SC as soon as she can go, either Thursday or Friday.

Tuesday: trip to Anniston went well. Ate at Texas Roadhouse. Everyone was getting steak except Brad so I got a steak as well, topped with a bacon glaze. Very good. Also sweet potato fries. Appetizers included thick bacon, mozzarella sticks, and loaded potato wedges. Made it back to Norcross before 4 pm.

Left just after five and lifted weights at the Y. Eight different exercises: four sets of ten. Was home by seven. Watched more Parenthood.

I know sitting around at the car places can take forever. I try to take something to read.
Wednesday: got a late start working on my expense report in the afternoon. Discovered the hotel in Augusta had charged me twice for the room. Was on the phone for almost an hour getting it corrected. Stayed at work past 5:30, then traffic was bad. Takes so long to get to the Y. C had a meeting at her ministry so she didn’t go. Ran my 4 miles at a decent pace.

Was almost 8 when I got home. C and M were cooking supper. Black beans and rice. I skipped the rice. Also salad. M had some chili peppers he was adding to his. Was after 9:15 before we were through with the dishes. C went to bed at 9:30. Having trouble with our TV and I couldn’t send the TV on my phone to the TV. Watched one episode of Parenthood and worked on my list of old playoff games. Stayed up too late. Fixed a small PB&J.

Got my emails down to 15 with immediate plans for 7 of them. Bosses are all in a meeting and my customer is still shut down. Still a couple of projects to get done. Worked like a dog yesterday.

Guy was listing the top 20 NFL playoff games OF ALL TIME. The first few he’s listed both came in the last 15 years, so I asked if any older games would be listed, like The Ice Bowl, the Immaculate Reception, or the Colts/Giants overtime game in 1958. He admitted he would be listing only games going back to 1980. What a shame. I started listing memorable games from memory, grabbed a book off the shelf and added more, and looked some up on line. Took me 30 minutes to come up with 18 classic playoff games from 1979 on back. Kids these days are more interested in web clicks and comments than research and getting things right. “OF ALL TIME” is a crock.

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