
Friday, February 07, 2020


This 1940 JM Tull Metals catalog has been passed down to me from several previous owners, the most recent of whom was my old boss Steve Apollo. Amazing all the items that Tull used to sell, a true precursor to Home Depot and Lowes.
RJ Hunter, the former guard at Georgia State and son of the former GSU head coach, was just signed by the College Park Skyhawks.
Cool poster celebrates each Super Bowl. 

Thursday: on the way home Azealia Drive was closed in Roswell by the river. After the gym I fixed meat and rice quesadillas. Watched Parenthood and Making It and the documentary on the FBI recovery of Tom Brady’s stolen Super Bowl Jerseys. In it Brady accepted the fan’s apology, and said in the end it was “just a jersey” and didn’t want anyone’s life ruined because of it. The fan’s only punishment is that he’s banned from attending NFL games.
Ceil didn’t set her alarm this morning (usually it goes off three times) but she got out of bed without it. I slept 30 minutes late. Then had to take a different route to work because of the flooding. Decided to make the Taco Bell stop so I was 22 minutes late.
Friday: stopped at Taco Bell this morning for breakfast. I am eating less though. Going to start drinking more water and cutting out soda and Cool-Aid. Lifted weights last night for an hour. Building muscle supposedly speeds up metabolism and burns more fat and calories. Of course the older you get the harder it is. My body does feel different, stronger, and I feel like I am headed in the right direction. Not sure which is helping more: lifting the weights or the running, or a combo of the two.
More on the gym: there are a few people I can’t figure out why they go to the gym. Doesn’t seem like they do too much. There are people that come in and work hard. I have eleven different weightlifting exercises I do four sets of ten repetitions. If each set takes 30 seconds and I rest one minute between sets, that’s 66 minutes. That’s about how long I’m in there.
I’m trying to vary my outfits at the gym. Teens can get away with wearing Vans or other fashion sneakers but if an old person does it they look out of place, so I try to stick to athletic-looking sneakers and t-shirts. Yesterday for the first time I walked in wearing black compression tights under my shorts (which I need) and of course one regular was staring at my legs. Maybe he was used to seeing me in shorts.
I weigh every morning pretty much first thing. Later I record it in my scrapbook calendar and/or excel calendar. Done well skipping bread but eat a few quesadilla shells. Same with desserts only special occasions. I just really need to crank down and eat less. My scrapbook calendar is for the things I’ve done, and the excel calendar on my laptop is for future events.
I think I saw that story about the basketball manager but didn’t realize it was Pace Academy.

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