
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Clemson to Wear Throwbacks

You heard it here second: two strong hints that Clemson will wear throwback helmets and uniforms for their 125th season of football. Can't wait to see that helmet and grey facemask. If there is football. 
Anna joined us for dinner last night. She's working from our house for a few days. Ceil cooked spinach, green peas, mashed potatoes, and chicken for supper. Afterwards I cut the grass. Ceil had a small group meeting on her computer. I didn't even turn on the TV but later M came in and turned on a Japanese carton on Netflix. Avatar?
Patriots sign Cam Newton to a one year contract, with a low base salary loaded with incentives. A win win for both QB and team. Guess since Brady signed with Tampa I'll be watching them more now. If they play football.
JOE McGINNITY  [SABR Bio] the Hall of Famer pitched complete games and won both ends of three (3!) doubleheaders in the span of one calendar month - 3 DHers in August 1903: 01-Aug vs. BSN; 08-Aug vs. BRO; and 31-Aug vs. PHI. He pitched for the Baltimore Orioles in the National League and then for the Baltimore Orioles in the American League. In 1899 he was on BLN for their last year of existence then when the American League included Baltimore (BLA), as one of the original franchises McGinnity pitched for them in 1901-02, the only years of their existence. His nickname is derived from his previous occupation, not, as believed, his performance as a player. Worked in an Oklahoman iron foundry during his off-seasons. Serendipitously self-coined his enduring nickname during a newspaper interview in which he detailed his winter time employment as, "I am an iron man."
 Above: stumbled across this super cool UGA tie today.
Cheap even. But it had too many stains, so I passed.
Rare birds-eye view of the footprint of old Atlanta Stadium. A second apartment building (and second parking deck) has been built in the right field corner. Will Georgia State ever build their baseball stadium on the site? Sounds like they're looking for private donations. Plans for a GSU basketball arena to be built beyond the left field fence, in the lower left-hand corner of the photo above.   
Did I know that Dan Pastorini punted? Not just occasionally - 316 career punts. Fun fact: Pastorini was the first to wear a flack jacket.Great segment on Peyton's Places.
Sneaker # 41: I loved these old blue & grey Jordan RCVRs. Bought a pair, then sold them on eBay. Bought a black pair and sold them. Bought another blue pair. But in 2020 they are just too dated. Tomorrow's sneaker # 42 will be an even better story. Promise. Also # 43. Stay tuned.

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