
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

My Peachtree Story

The 2021 Peachtree will be my 34th. That means I have 33 Peachtree stories to tell. I often say that every Peachtree is different. Sometimes it rains. Several were hot. I was sick one year, but ran anyway. Another year I’d just recovered from minor surgery. I started cautiously, but finished with a good time. A couple of years ago my doctor told me to not run. I walked instead. Sometimes I’ve run alone, other times with friends or family. One year I made a friend during the race. We were running at the same pace, started talking and encouraging each other, and finished together.

Back in the mid-80’s I lived a block from the park, so I volunteered at the finish line a couple of times. Tried to direct traffic at the beer truck – unsuccessfully (these days things are much more organized). The next year I directed the media truck to park near at the chute finish inside Piedmont Park. Watched a young Jeff Hullinger (in white pants) hop off of the side of the truck and hustle to the finish line. With two race days this year, I’m signing up to volunteer again.

In 1990 a coworker challenged me to run the Peachtree, and I’ve been running it ever since. I’ve started near the front of the pack, in the middle, and at the back. I’ve arrived early, and arrived late. I’ve parked near the finish and ridden MARTA. I’ve carpooled to the start. I’ve parked near Peachtree and Piedmont, up Peachtree toward Brookhaven, and at several MARTA stations. I’ve run down 14th Street and through the park to finish, down Piedmont to finish at the Civic Center, and of course down 10th for the current finish.

When my son was old enough to run, I signed him up. He’s run every year since, and has a nice streak going of his own. The first couple of years he slowed me down. Now he starts up near the front of the pack, and has to wait on me. My daughter has run the last few Peachtrees as well, usually finding a friend to run with. It’s fun to look for the same faces at different points of the race. Even if they’re no longer there, just passing the spot brings back warm memories.

As with many long-time Peachtree runners, I’ll admit: there have been a few years I’ve had to scramble for a race number – but I’ve run every race with a number.  Sometimes for logistics I’ve had to trade numbers with a family member. Two years ago I started 15 minutes ahead of my daughter, and 30 minutes before my son – but we all finished within two minutes of each other.

One little tradition I have is to wear something different each year. Usually something that says Atlanta. In 1996 I wore my Olympic Torch Relay uniform. Maybe something Braves. Crazy socks. Over the years I’ve tried to keep up a list of my outfits, along with my race time and who I ran with.

Last year’s remote run was certainly unique. I ran in tiny Jefferson South Carolina, up and down every street in town to complete the 6.2 miles. Quite different than running with 60,000 others. I so enjoy the Peachtree experience: all the other runners, the thousands of well-wishers lining the streets, the music, the cheers, the national anthem and flyover at the start, and seeing what new buildings have been built since last year’s Peachtree. I like to run without earbuds or phone. I want to see and hear every moment, not tune it out. Only a couple of times did I take my phone to take pictures, like last year and the time I had to walk.

Since I started blogging over 15 years ago, each year I’ve written a recap of the race. It’s fun to look back, to read and remember each Peachtree experience (I’d like to think my writing skills have improved over the years). I’ve included some links below. After the race it’s fun to look up what times my friends, family, and coworkers post, and usually make a list. To ensure a slightly different 2021 Peachtree Road Race, I’ve chosen to run it on July 3rd this year. Can’t wait!

Links below to year by year recaps. Also see subject link at right.


















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