
Monday, August 22, 2022

Branson on Leadership

I’m reading Richard Branson’s book on leadership. He dedicates the first section to listening, note taking, and not interrupting. Smarter to write a question down and ask only if the answer isn’t covered than to stop the speaker to ask immediately. Listen not only to what is said, but also to what isn’t said. There could be a reason. Leaders should be able to delegate both work and credit.

Left work Friday right at five. Stopped by Moes for a burrito, and Dollar Tree for staples. Did some laundry Friday night while watching TV. Watched several episodes of The Captain, about Derek Jeter. Also Martin Short and Neil Patrick Harris on The Tonight Show. Harris publishes a weekly email with items of interest: recipes, fun facts, etc. I got him by six days. Right? 

Up early Saturday to golf, then home to nap and eat quesadillas. Drove to Buford for the Stripers game. Took 400 / 285 / 85 and hated the traffic. Took surface streets on the way home. Much calmer. Grabbed a Chicken Philly from Jersey Mikes. Good, but not exactly brimming with chicken / peppers / onions.

Up early Sunday to golf. Hit it well off the tee on all but the first hole. Bogey on three. Hit my tee shot on four to eleven feet. Par. On five I hit my tee shot pin high. “Birdie”. Must’ve been the ball that I had found on the second hole, which I promptly lost on six. My longest drive ever on seven and nine. Made several decent chip shots as well.

I rewarded myself with a chicken biscuit from McDonalds. Not as good as Chickfila. Ordered at the speaker and drove around to the first window - where the order taker had gone to sleep - after taking the order of the car behind me. I had to bang on the window with my credit card.

We had 29 in Sunday School. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Followed my new mantra and ate inside instead of takeout. Ate the salad bar instead of a burger. The normal salad stuff was okay. Potatoes in the potato salad were too big, as was the broccoli in the broccoli salad. Cole slaw was tasteless. Not the best. I gotta start eating at nicer places.

Took it easy Sunday afternoon. Nap. TV. Caught up on emails. A little housework. Quesadillas for supper. C got home at 9:45.

Lifted weights this morning at the Y. Put off my run until tomorrow, after hiking up Candler’s hills all weekend. My 8th straight day to work out. Should go 5 more days this week before possibly taking a break next Sunday. My streak of eating out could end tomorrow after 8 days.

Scientists Say The Big Bang Theory Has Been Debunked.

Things Every Guy Should Own. Matthew is well on his way.;!!AE29DT8V!RkxuXqEqxooVoLIBZCbpjR_P3a8IC4rPejH0sX5XrWrf9emj2mUP1CuaXhjh2VcVBP0WM6xvtGYgCejvYi8$ 

Do things the locals do in Paris – though most Americans don’t have enough time to hit all the big sites. Spending hours at a café or attending a soccer game would be nice, but most tourists don’t have that kind of time.

GATES BROWN  [SABR Bio] successfully hit with a ketchup-slathered hot dog stuffed inside his uniform, on 07-Aug-1968, finishing a suspended game from the day before. Brown manged the Orlando Juice in the Senior Professional Baseball Association. A catcher on that team was Bruce Bochy. Brown holds the AL record for the most career pinch-hit at bats, with 414.

DENISON: the former CIA director claimed the modern-day Republican Party is the most "dangerous" political force he has ever seen. With Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, China’s ambitions for global dominance, Iran’s growing power in the Middle East, and North Korea’s nuclear threats, this is quite a statement. Vanity Fair published the article "Republicans appear to be realizing all their candidates are dangerous weirdos." James Carville is condemning the media for covering "both sides" equally when Democrats are "just silly" but Republicans are "evil." A candidate for the House of Representatives told an audience, "It’s no longer Democrat versus Republican. This is all about control versus freedom. It’s good versus evil. It’s a spiritual battle." Paul instructed Titus to "remind" Christians "to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people" (Titus 3:1-2). "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another" (v. 3).

Braves are on track to win 100 games. Fangraphs says their chances of making the postseason are 100%. And Mike Soroka will join the team in September.

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