
Monday, June 05, 2023

Snit Benches Ozuna

Ozuna pimps a "home run" that didn't clear the fence. Instead of a double and potential run, he had to settle for a single. If it were me I would've been ashamed. Snitker was right to remove him from the game. Snit was classy, not showing up his DH by immediately subbing in a pinch hitter, instead keeping his options open until Ozuna's next at bat.

Kids today poo poo on baseball's "unwritten rules" but this is not the case here. Do MLB teams still have a kangaroo court, where they fine each other for bonehead plays, not hustling, etc? Ozuna should pay a hefty fine somewhere. The difference between a runner on second vs first could well have meant a rally scoring multiple runs. These guys play baseball every day.

Such a severe lack of judgement, especially just days after a team meeting called to pull the team from its doldrums. Snit said no one felt worse about it than Ozuna, and perhaps the snafu will extend the "slugger"'s resurgence. A double would've bolster's his slugging percentage and OPS, as well as total bases and who know what other stats the keep these days.

Just yesterday I was thinking about the differences between Ozuna's back loaded follow through that often hits the catch, comparing it to the front weighted swings of Aaron and Mays – both who hit more home runs while maintaining .300 career averages. Seems like Ozuna is trying to be more like Boog Powell or Greg Luzinski.

On Twitter a popular guy asked "Name something you didn't understand about adults when you were a kid but you totally get now". Great responses. So many on social media just post and don't take time to read the other comments. You can tell because so many post the same supposedly "witty" answer that someone else had already posted. They are missing out.

The same account posted a photo of a former president holding a chainsaw at his ranch, and so many people made such horrible negative comments. Not sure if they're just so starved for attention. Sad that so many people are like that. The world we live in today.

Saturday: AM golf. Waffle House with Reid. I had to drop something off with Anna & Caleb. They were dog-sitting Okie, so I got to see him as well. Anna & Caleb went down to visit W&MC. I have plans Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday night.

We're having a great time with Shivonne. I'm calling it "Sissy Camp" since that is Ceil's grandmother name. But it means not getting as much done around the house. No TV while she is around, because Shiv will be glued to the set. No cell phone, because she's want to play on that. We went on walks both Saturday and Sunday. With golf Saturday morning, then later the walk and cutting grass, I got in over 15000 steps and 6+ miles.

Got a problem with the water line so we have to keep the hot water cut off until we can get a plumber to replace the cutoffs. Kinda like the old story about the hillbillies who got a new TV so they had to get antenna to put on the roof, so they had to get a roof.

A pretty good sweepstakes. Win $50,000.00 or a trips to Hawaii, Alaska, Montana, or NYC.

Joy Sweeps Rules | Cupcake Vineyards

Stay away from Dollar General: 49 people have been killed there since 2014.;!!AE29DT8V!WHUs8tgyukXa9tcxqYSqv9aicl9nYZfI9cW0MZYm9QXEGaHwrig4gsXfPWngyrJaUYVDirS1_ShVEAUzJ-g$

Students were stopped from singing the national anthem inside the US capitol building in Washington, out of fear of unrest. While US Representatives had approved of the concert, they may have not filed the proper paperwork.;!!AE29DT8V!QKwYa16Pb1t4xZPAQoi2eimBa1bdSxsrU6yplSwEnoZT8l4rb1CqiLlsmzJuW7cBnBwZJfmNaL7arCjUuq0$

DENISON: China's present may be our future. Walter Russell Mead noted, "You are not destined to live in quiet times." Three nuclear-armed powers (plus a fourth if Iran is successful) are aligned against the West. The warning that artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity. And partisan political divisions are deeper and more vitriolic than they have been in decades.

JOE MEDWICK [SABR Bio] had 1,064 hits from 1933 thru 1937. From 2001-05, Ichiro had 1,130 – breaking Medwick's record for the most hits in the first 5 years of a career. Medwick was the first player to hit a home run in the All-Star game and in the World Series during the same season. He homered off Lefty Gomez in the first inning of the 1934 ASG (his first) then again in the 1934 World Series (also his first) in Game One. His beaning inspired Larry McPhail to investigate the use of batting helmets. Medwick was hit in the head with a pitch on 18-June-1940. Helmets came into use on gradually well before it was a requirement. It was not until December 1970 that MLB strictly enforced mandatory use of the batting helmet for all batters. Veteran players, however, were allowed some discretion. Some researchers credit Roger Bresnahan for using a protective headpiece as early as 1908.

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