
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Honoring MC

Wednesday: pulled out of the parking lot at 445 pm. Took Peachtree Industrial south to 285 east to 85 south. Got off at the Buford Highway Connector just before traffic backed up on 85. That funneled me down to Spring Street. Right on 17th all the way through Atlantic Station to Northside, then right on Bankhead, left on Lowery, right on MLK to Stafford Street. Arrived right on time – 6 pm sharp.

MC and the girls were playing in the front yard. M beat me there, and A&C arrived shortly thereafter. C was only 20 minutes late. Will had prepared a Thai feast: a braised pork dish over rice and lettuce. Tasty. Later Ceil's peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream. Had such a good time that I didn't take pictures. Didn't get home until 10 pm. Went straight to bed.

Up early to run at the gym.

Now reading "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles, about a count in old Russia after the revolution. Not spellbinding though mildly interesting. I'm a third of the way in and just now getting an idea of the plot. 

Podcasts are popular these days. People yacking about a particular subject. Kind of like a focused radio program? They say that soon everyone will have one. Who is listening? More people drifting away from listening to music? At least the listener is learning something, getting educated or being entertained. I think I will stick to books.

M played golf with his friends for a second time yesterday, this time at Candler Park. He said the Charlie Yates course is in better shape than Candler. I believed him. Matthew said he bought a classic putter on eBay, and was showing it to me and Will. A brief discussion about golf with W, M, and Caleb. Anna hasn't had a second lesson yet. 

Ceil makes scalloped potatoes every now and then, like when she has to take a dish somewhere. Man we got leftover hot dogs and pizza to eat this weekend.

So many people leaving the company these days, its hard to keep track. Had to write them all down. Down 15 people in the past 2 months.

Retiring: Beard, Nicol, Garrett, Janice.

Laid off: Vanessa, Clyfton, Habel, Jack, Peter, Hannah.

Quit: Tarter, John, Cody, Oscar, Lowery

Tom Brady about Bill Belichick: "It wasn't me. It wasn't you. It was us. There is no coach in the world I would rather play for than Bill Belichick.";!!AE29DT8V!Qo7pgBiC2dtJ768f0VIWU8sIIVMAfOT-3QF05f9wxBZDBpbo6JrNhGShlTJiYSslAE3nG5muqp3PifU-3rc$

DENISON: terrorists massacre a group of people and the world sides with the terrorists. That is what is happening to the Jews:

  • There has been a "steep" jump in antisemitic attacks following October 7.
  • Online antisemitism has increased five-fold since the invasion.
  • Antisemitism has "skyrocketed" in the US.
  • Antisemitic incidents on college campuses have increased 700%.
  • Antisemitic attacks in the UK are at an all-time high.

Hamas in Gaza promises to attack Israel. Those who hate Israel don't understand: Hamas's leader wants Palestinians to die. Yahya Sinwar, Hamas's military leader in Gaza, told Hamas officials that civilian deaths are "necessary sacrifices." Intelligence analysts believe Sinwar is motivated by a desire to take revenge on Israel. The well-being of the Palestinian people or the establishment of a Palestinian state is secondary. His strategy: Palestinian casualties will mobilize the globe against Israel, pressuring them to stop the war without eradicating Hamas. Israel is doing all it can to minimize Palestinian casualties. Sinwar is doing all he can to maximize Palestinian casualties for his personal advancement and that of Hamas. According to Jesus, Satan "comes only to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10). Consequently, when we see stealing and killing and destroying, we know that our spiritual enemy is at work.

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