
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey

Clay Smith JFBC

Paul's 1st Missionary Journey

Communion: a time to look back at Christ's example, to look inward, look up to God, look to the future to how God will work through you, and in your life.

Mark Twain: "the two most important days are the day you were born, and the day you find out why".

Purpose in life to help as many as possible to come to know Jesus. People with purpose live longer and healthier lives.

William Carey 1700s-early 1800s an Englishman. Changed what being a missionary was like. Was a teacher became a pastor. Wrote a manifesto. Others in the church didn't care. He said to "expect God to do great things, while I attempt to do great things for God in His name."

Acts 13:1-3 Paul was unique but was also human with similar challenges . He was able to travel as it was a peaceful time. Roads. Paul walked over 10,000 miles.

Reminders on how to live on mission.

1. Ask God to lead you. Paul was in Antioch with 4 other church leaders, praying and fasting and worshipping. They were called, first internally by the Holy Spirit and externally by the church body. They were driven by the Holy Spirit.

2. Find a partner, a team to do the mission together. They had John Mark, Barnabus, Timothy. Helps with accountability and spreading the work around. Wm Carey story: we hold the rope while missionaries go out. Paul meets Barjesus , who is not a follower. Barjesus works to prevent God being able to work.

3. Be prepared to share. V 14-15. If you have any word of exhortation, say it. Paul would come into a new city and first go into the synagogue. V 38 through God comes freedom from sin, you'll be forgiven and become free. Release control to God. Heaven will only be filled with forgiven people, not perfect people. So we need to be ready to share the gospel with the people who need to hear. We need to already know what to say. Paul was asked to come back, but then he was persecuted

4. Don't quit when it gets hard. Must have thick scum, now more than ever. V 48-52 they shook off the dust from their feet, and moved on, filled with joy. Paul didn't quit. The great commission will not happen without great suffering. William Carey suffered. Two kids died. Didn't see a convert for over 7 years.

5. It's not about you. Paul's group saw a lame man. Paul healed him v 14 the crowd thought Paul was a god. Paul set them straight. It's about Jesus. God is at the center of the story. When the donkey carried Jesus into Jerusalem…

6. Be an encourager. Paul was stoned, but went back into the same city. Acts 14:21-23. Paul strengthened his disciples, who later became a church. Trained them, tended to them. Encouraged them. We need to this as well.

7. Celebrate what God is doing. V 26-28. Have the discipline to stop and remember and celebrate all that God has done, and is still doing. To be thankful. Celebrate the wins.

Why have a testimony?

1. To be ready to share. "Always be ready to give an account for the hope that is in you."

2. Only you know what God has done in your life

3. Confidence builds competence.

A. Before I became a Christian my life was…empty miserable etc

B. Then Jesus found me…

C. Now my life is…

D. Ask: Do you have a story like this?

Tips: remember your audience. Avoid churchy words. Don't forget the Gospel and the Good News. Conclude with a question.

Me: there was a time in my if when I had no direction. I was lost and I didn't even know it. There was so much I didn't know. Then good friends told me about how Jesus died for my sins, and how by believing in and accepting Jesus into my life and heart, my life is now free from guilt and shame. I really felt different, and was indeed different. I've been able to learn so much about God, and see the many great things He has done in me and through me. Now God works through me to love others. Do you have a story like this?

The challenge: share with someone this week. Pray for the opportunity to share with a non believer.

31 in Sunday School

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