
Monday, September 02, 2024

Serving vs. Thriving

Notes from my Saturday morning Zoom call: if the call is to go and die, but what's the balance between staying in the field and having a thriving family? Is even considering this the prosperity gospel? Is God's call to thrive? Or to take up my cross daily and follow Jesus? To not chase the things of the world. So easy to be fooled by Satan. Let God handle things. How to handle the hardship without selling out to comfort. Online shopping feels better than reading the Bible. The lie: would God not want good things for me?

Many times feelings are not from God. Feelings can lead to bad things. Need to focus on God and truth, not on feelings. Everyone did what was right on in their own eyes. Use Scripture as a filter. This discussion had nothing to do with Democrats and their "vibes", but this also rings true.

Ask: is it from God or is it from Satan? Our response should be to worship God either way. R&H are going through "The Meaning of Marriage". God is big…see the last 4-5 chapters of Job.

Clay Smith JFBC

Knockoff: Don't Settle For Fake

2 Chronicles 20:1-30

"Worship and Warfare"

Sometimes we can choose our battles, sometimes the battles choose us. We are not to have a spirit of fear, worry, panic. God wants for us a spirit of worship recognizing who God is.

The enemy may overtake us for a season. Sometimes God fights for us. We need to learn about the power of worship. Reflect on your own worship life, and ask yourself...

1. How do you handle the enemies who cross your path? All these kingdoms wanted Jesosapath's land. He quotes Solomon's prayer.

2. When is the last time you fasted? Not as part of a diet, but to turn your whole attention to God.

3. Is worship your first response, or your last resort? V 5-12

4. Can I trust God? His prayer is based on prior promises of God. Do I live this way, claiming God's promises v 12 pray "Lord I don't know what to do but my eyes are on you." Easier to preach this than to live it out. Two ways…

A. Do not be dismayed, the battle is not yours, but God's. V 17.

B. J calls the people to put their trust in God. He appoints singers to go out ahead of the army, on the front lines. God caused chaos to happen among the demons.

5. Am I satisfied with God regardless of the outcome? Sometimes things don't work out the way we'd like. Psalm 16 cover my day praising God.

Challenge: give the first 60 seconds of your day to the Lord. Acts 16 exorcized demons, Paul & Silas were beat up and jailed, then sang worship to God late at night. There's power in worship. Worship is not entertainment. We sing to God. Worship can be warfare. V 30 the kingdom was at peace. A happy ending.

6. The reminder: God fights for me, despite my sin, despite my mistakes and helplessness. Gives us standing before the Lord. 

Romans 8:31-39: if God is for us, who can be against us? We overwhelmingly conquer through God. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God.

Sunday School: take inventory. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 and v 6. "Materialism and greed is a respectable sin" - not! I paired up with my new friend Neddar to discuss the passage. 

Recommended: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn

This year JFBC has exceeded their budget by one million dollars. One thousand students currently in Sunday School. JFBC now has their own iPhone app to download. Is the JFBC sanctuary choir singing the national anthem at the Braves game in late September? Doesn't matter: my new small group will be meeting on Wednesday night - as will Ceil's group. 25 baptisms at JFBC this morning.

Sept 6 Kennesaw international students

Sept 7 JFBC with Muslim imans

Sept 10 girls night out

Sept 12 guys night out

Sept 15 night of worship.

MARK FIDRYCH [SABR Bio] was the last rookie to lead the majors in ERA and ERA+, with a 2.34 ERA in 1976 and an ERA+ of 159. "The Bird" was known to shake hands with his infielders after good plays. It was a regular practice in the first half of his rookie season. Teammates were simultaneously bemused & amused. He was the first post-expansion American League rookie to win 15 games in his team's first 125 games, earning his 15th win in Detroit's 125th game on 25-Aug-1976

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