
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sermon Notes

Sermon notes: Being Human Series

Title: “Being Male and Female”

Genesis 1:26-27, 31 and 2:18-25.

Clay Smith JFBC feels like he’s stepping on a land mine. 

JFBC disclaimer: “We understand this is a controversial topic, and some may see our view as outdated, transphobic, and hateful, but as followers of Christ, that's not our intent. The goal of the message is not to shame or condemn but to shed light on God's original design for humankind before sin entered the world.”

Watch here:

Me: hard to take down everything said. Much was missed. I encourage you to listen.

A. What is our culture saying?

1. Gender is no longer biological  

2. Self identify is fluid, limitless, and self-determined

Lots of nuance. Often painful. Many disagree. Clay is talking to the middle, the undecided. Gender isn’t a problem to be solved but a plan to be celebrated.

Genesis 1:31: God looked at His creation, and it was good.

God loves and cares about you, more than you know.

B. What does this teach us about God?

1. God has no gender. God is spirit. God has no biological sex.

2. God has decided to describe himself predominantly with male terminology, with both male and female descriptions like a woman in labor, a momma bear.

C. What does teach us about us?

1. God has designed us with two genders. God says this is good. We do things for our kids give them boundaries because we have their best interests in heart. Same with God. Some list 112 different genders.

2. Men and women equally bear God’s image. Father, son, and Spirit are equally God. Historically women have gotten the short end of the stick. But Jesus had women in his inner circle

3. Christian men and women have been given different roles. Generally men are better at some things better and generally women are better at other things. Ephesians 5 . When it’s done right it’s a beautiful picture.

4. Sin will distort God’s good design. Everything changed when Adam and Eve sinned. People have rejected God’s design. All guys aren’t warrior heroes or alpha males. Read Proverbs 31 women work outside the home. Men are not superior to women or vice versa. Some men abuse women in God’s name. Sin distorts our desires.

D. What does this teach us about ministry?

There are good resources and books. We all need to be grounded in God’s truth. Everything else is subordinate. Start with God’s design.

How do I handle someone who wants to be referred to by preferred pronouns and names? Relationships matter. Should we be hospitable and supportive and loving? Should we endorse them? Verse: woe to those who call evil good.


1. My relationship with God comes first.

2. (I missed this one).

3. What if my work forces me to? Easy to say but harder in real life. Consider it persecution.

Warning: people are not the enemy, they are the reason for the mission. We need to love not antagonize. Our posture needs to be helping others come to God. People are hurting. Don’t make them hurt worse.

Jesus‘ response to the people who wanted to stone the lady caught in adultery: “I don’t condemn you”. Clay: pray about this. Some need to give their life to Jesus. We need to pray for the hurting and broken.

DENISON: Oswald Chambers observed, “Troubles nearly always make us look to God; his blessings are apt to make us look elsewhere.” It is a fact that the more prosperous a society becomes, the more irreligious it becomes.

After 18 years as the Braves play by play man, Chip Carey returns to his roots as the Cardinals TV host. Many on social media disliked his enthusiasm, but I kinda liked him. Perhaps young Ben Ingram will fill his spot. I like Ingram as well. I also like radio man Jim Powell, who has seen less action the past few years.

RON SWOBODA  [SABR Bio] in the 12th game of his career, was robbed of a grand slam when the ball he’d hit bounced back onto the field on 30-Apr-1965 in Crosley Field, Cincinnati, hit off of a plywood extension put in place to protect a road crew working outside. His manager Casey Stengal’s early summation was this, "He will be great, super, even wonderful.  Now if he can only learn to catch a fly ball." He wore uniform #4 for a New York City major league franchise, which is retired for New York City teams include Lou Gehrig for the Yankees, Duke Snider for Brooklyn, and Mel Ott for the Giants. The number 4 has not been retired for the Mets, with Swoboda being one of 27 players to wear it with NYM, including Duke Snider, who wore it with the 1963 Mets. Ron attended NYU, whose mascot is a Bobcat.

ME: Swoboda's great catch in game four of the 1969 World Series - one of the greatest in baseball history - spurred me to make attempt great catches for years and years. His catch prevented the Orioles from scoring the go-ahead run, and the mets went on to win the game and the series.

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