
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

First Bite: Kimball House

We had a great dinner at Kimball House. In addition to what we ordered, M’s coworkers brought out four free dishes for us to sample. Excellent food. A huge order of fried shrimp – I probably ate more shrimp than I ever had before in my life. Drank Diet Coke to offset the fish effect. Several coworkers came up to introduce themselves and meet us, including the chef, and M’s friend he plays golf with. He couldn’t believe I play golf at sunrise every Saturday.

I got the pork tenderloin.

M got the pork chop, which looked good.

C got the trout, that came with grits.

C’s glass of wine, which she loved

M’s peach cocktail

my two Diet Cokes

fried rock shrimp appetizer. I ate many

Hawaiian rolls, which M had made.

grilled squash. They brought out for free

tomato salad. They brought out for free

oysters. They brought out for free.

cocktail. They brought out for free

M's girlfriend Monsie had covid but M's test must've come back negative. M did go to the doctor. He has been getting out and doing more outside lately.

Since the reservation was for 815 we didn’t get home until 1045. I went straight to bed.

A&C ate at Kimball House on Friday night. Anna got the grilled scallops. Caleb got the trout.

For Anna's birthday next month Caleb arranged a trip to Munich. She’s excited. They’re going to a soccer game and a Sound of Music concert in Austria. It’s at the same time W&MC will be in Canada. C will be staying down with the girls and Okie. Guess I’ll be up here with Winnie. Goose is supposed to go to Caleb’s parent’s house, but I may have to puppy sit some.

Last Friday: after supper last night we took Winnie out for a walk. I felt so good that I loaded my clubs in the car and set my alarm to go play golf this morning. Then my pain was so bad that I had to get in the middle of the night to take a pill. I turned off the alarm and slept late.

Saturday: took Ceil's car to get the emissions tested. Took 5 minutes waiting at the car wash to learn they weren't testing today, so I had to go somewhere else in Roswell. While I was out, I got a free milkshake at Arby's, free nacho fries at Taco Bell, and a free soft drink at RaceTrac.

Went to my friend Shawn's for his son's engagement party. Shawn and I have only really known each other for a few years but we really hit it off. He works at Fellowship Christian School, there where Claire goes to church. Shawn and I kinda have the same sense of humor. Like me he reads a lot. Kind of a renaissance man: he's a beekeeper and painter. Wants me to run a 5K with him. Tonight we were wearing the exact same style of Cole Haan sneakers.

Watched a decent Hallmark Channel movie. Took Winnie outside before bed. Was going to take her on a short walk down the street instead of just around the yard, but as we approached where the street passes over the creek I saw two coyotes crossing the street. We turned around and walked home.

MICKEY MANTLE  [SABR Bio] called and begged to return home and quit the game before his stern father convinced him to stay and that things would get better. Here’s how Charles “Mutt” Mantle handled his son’s request. The water tower in his hometown sports a painted with version of his retired uniform number. Picture here. In spring training in 1951, Yankee manager Casey Stengel said of Mantle before his first major league game, “He has more speed than any slugger I’ve ever seen and more slug than any other speedster.”

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lessons From the Life of Paul

JFBC pastor Clay Smith
Lessons from the life of Paul
2 Timothy 4:6-8

Lots of crazy things happening in the world today, but God is sovereign. God is working in the world today.

What is all the world looking and thinking about today: the Olympics. Athletes have to be different - eat, sleep, etc can't be like everyone else. Same with me as a Christian. If I want to make a difference I have to think and act and live differently.

Paul knows his life is near the end, and he issues a challenge that is applicable to us all. Used interesting word pictures: I have poured out every ounce. I am about to depart. Paul is going home.

V 7 I fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have run the race. The crown of righteousness will be put on my head. It's not reserved for the super saints but for all who have lived in light of the establishment of God's kingdom.

We should live as if Jesus was returning this afternoon - Adrian Rogers

1. Truth - we must share the Word no matter what 2 Timothy 4:5 the time will come when they turn aside from sound doctrine…

All believers are called to share the word of God. Paul instructs how - when it's convenient and inconvenient, when you feel like it and when you don't. Share no matter what. The word of God corrects and rebukes. Exhorts with God's patience…because of Christ and his second coming to establish his kingdom, as savior and judge.

The situation in the church. The time is coming when people won't want to hear the truth. That's the world we live in today. People want to have their ears tickled. They'll go to lengths to find people who will tell them what they want to hear.

Friday during the Olympic Opening Ceremony the false god Dionysus was celebrated, the Greek god of parties and orgies and cross dressing. Interesting choice to hold up in front of a worldwide audience. There are false gods in the world today…

1. You can be a good person by working hard
2. You can do good deeds
3. Have high esteem
4. Prosperity gospel

The real gospel is that Christ died to save us from our sins. The only reason to preach. Hold onto this gospel.

2. Belonging. Paul lists 16 names. 2 Tim 9-15 some fell in love with the world and didn't finish the race

V 19-21 Paul in jail, lonely and bored and cold. The answer is people. We need to engage in our community. Being a part, not just consuming.

People brought Paul cloaks and parchments,. William Tindal who was executed for translating the Bible from Greek to English, so the people could see that the church was preaching false doctrine.

3. Purpose. Fulfill your god given calling. V 16-18. The Lord will give you strength, that my work will be fully accomplished Acts 9:15

God calls us. It's bigger that my job. Am I settling for lesser things?

A great challenge as pastor is to remind us that our greatest days of ministry aren't behind us, but ahead.

V 22 May the Lord be with your spirit, and grace be with you.

Someone sure was in a hurry to get out of church.

Sunday School: How to walk in the Holy Spirit:
1. Acknowledge we are helpless without the Spirit
2. Pray Ez 26:37, Heb 13:21
3. Trust and believe Rom 6:14 and v 11, Rom 8:14
God will give you victory over sin
4. After these first 3, now act in the way should you go 1 Cor 13:10 not me but God Gal 2:20
5. Give thanks for any good deed performed

31 in Sunday School

Monday, July 29, 2024


Perhaps the best result of what happened during the Olympic Opening Ceremony was it got people to think. How should a Christian react? Interesting to scroll through social media and see various people post articles and videos defending their point of view, and often bashing Christians in the process. At least it's causing them to think. What would Jesus do?

God is love. Jesus invites everyone to His table. These are true. But our Lord is also a just God. In His word God clearly spells out good and evil. God hates sin. Loves the sinner, for sure. There is a penalty for sin. Many pointed to the woman at the well, but failed to mention Jesus' parting words to her: "Go and sin no more".


I am a sinner. We all are. That just wasn't the movie I thought I'd be watching. It's okay that I was offended. Less than 5% of the French attend church services. Less than half believe in God. While I shouldn't expect non-Christians to act like Christians, those were scenes I don't wish to see in an Olympic Opening Ceremony. Do these people remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

This is the world we live in. Should we have been surprised? Not if we were aware. Many have pointed out that no one mocks Islam, the religion of peace who tortures and murders gays and women having babies out of wedlock.


Many picked nits, saying the scene was not the Last Supper but a celebration of the false god Dionysus. Does this make it okay? This supposed god of pleasure, the god of ecstasy, of madness, orgies, and wild frenzy. Depicted as a cross dresser. 


Should Christians turn the other cheek? Laugh it off as those crazy Frenchmen? Hey, it's just "art", right?

As usual, Jim Denison offered a well thought out, Biblical perspective of the event: Sadly, the artistic director considers Christianity not something to be persecuted, but outdated and irrelevant. The opening ceremony's depiction of a bacchanalia included drag queens, a transgender model, and a naked singer. Piers Morgan posted, "Would they have mocked any other religion like this? Appalling decision." Elon Musk called the parody "extremely disrespectful to Christians."


A read well worth your time: Olympics use drag queens to parody "The Last Supper" (


On Saturday Andy Stanley was trending on Twitter, receiving rare praise from the Christian community for his tweet. He later deleted it, perhaps after he learned it "incorrectly" referenced the Last Supper.

I am far from a theologian. Just kinda pecked away at this to assemble some thoughts. Like politics these days, so many are taking things out of context, taking one Bible verse while ignoring others. Attacking people who don't share their same view. Deleting posts containing replies with dissenting opinions and their own erroneous takes. Expecting perfection from imperfect people in an imperfect world.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.


Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your moth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


Romans 8:1 therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  


Colossians 2:6-7 as therefore you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

The opening ceremony at the Olympics parodied the Last Supper with drag queens and an obese woman in an aureole | Not the Bee;!!AE29DT8V!WbH0CyWUxFQD56XrmREYUkt1sLdFzhHYxotMAKI89DfKQilvd9CIXKEl8kcdeLxLmfR7jlF3KNt-5YhmAbs$

CAL RIPKEN  [SABR Bio] - on 14-Sep-1987, after 8,264 continuous innings of game play, Cal was lifted from the game. The Toronto Blue Jays hit 9 home runs to set a one game record. Fred McGriff added a 10th, and the record still stands. Ripken was the AL MVP in 1983 and again in1991, an 8-year gap which is a AL record. Brother Billy Ripken is known to most who watch the MLB TV channel.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

How To Be On Time

Some people I know don’t want to be early or on time. They want to be late. They feel like it’s an imposition on someone to arrive early, even if its their best friend or family. If we’re on time they may have to engage in uncomfortable chitchat. They expect traffic to be light as opposed to heavy, which it almost always is in Atlanta. They are told a start time (say 6 pm), then think in their head the start time is 30 minutes later. This happens over and over. They have no concept of time, of how long it takes to get ready, get in the car, and on the road – then once they arrive, the extra time it takes to park and walk in. Church worship, doctor’s appointments, dinner parties, restaurant reservations. Drives me crazy.

Article: how to be punctual: the reasons people are late, and how to always be on time.

Those who are consistently late have a tendency to…

1. Misperceive the passage of time.

2. Underestimate how long things will take.

3. Engage in “magical” thinking – that they can do more in a specific amount of time than is possible.

4. Procrastinate in general.

5. Be easily distracted.

6. Need an external deadline to get motivated.

7. Enjoy the satisfaction of rushing against the clock.

8. Feel anxiety.

9. Desire to feel special / unique.

10. Engage in passive aggressive rebellion.

11. Desire to feel powerful.

Tips for arriving on time…

1. Own up to the problem.

2. Redefine punctuality as a matter of integrity.

3. Start taking note of the benefits of punctuality.

4. Learn to make your needs known and don’t rebel against something you freely chose yourself.

5. See yourself as part of a team. Life isn’t all about you.

6. Work on your powers of concentration.

7. Find more constructive ways of getting your adrenaline rush and feeling special.

8. Redefine your concept of “wasted” time. Waiting because you arrived early is guilt free luxury time. There’s always things to check on your phone, or bring a book to real. Close your eyes and relax. Pray.

9. Shoot to arrive 15 minutes early. That way if you get delayed, you will still be on time.

10. There may be times when arriving early may be a bad thing. If so arrive on time or no more than 5-10 minutes late, so they don’t start to worry where you are.

11. Correct your magical thinking and misperceptions about time.  

a. Make a chart of how long you think your daily tasks take you, then time yourself to see if you are right.

b. Organize your time with a daily planner.

c. Use a timer to stay on track.

Keep a clock in every room – even the shower.

d. Keep things like your keys in set places.

e. Leave important items by the door.;!!AE29DT8V!SbYviI1Qs4p4J9I6gqPmVYHQnFGQTXL0MVUw8LT_GVUPfoW602Eacazos3ZD408Z6Pqk4O1i0KNWvV3-R9U$

680theFans' Hometown Brandon Leak (right, interviewing Michael Harris) was rocking the same camo Braves cap that I own.

I noticed one of my toenails was black and blue. Not sure what happened.

Taco Bell has a deal: 30 days of a small nacho fries (& cheese dip) for $10.00. Just what I need. I had seen the deal before, and finally took it on Sunday July 14. Could save $20.00. So far I’ve stopped by to cash in every day for 8 days straight. But the drawbacks are many: (1) the order is small. (2). Since I’m in my car I rarely use the cheese dip. (3) Taco Bell often has poor service. This alleged “fast food” requires a wait of 5 minutes or longer. (4) When I use the drive thru, I’m burning gas, adding to global warming / climate change like everyone else. (5) The deal doesn’t seem to work at the combined KFC / Taco Bell locations. 

McDonalds has their deal back: free large fries with purchase the day after a Braves player doubles. Last year you got a large Coke as well. There’s already a deal in their app for free fries with any $2 purchase (and just about everything costs $2 anyway).   

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ice Ice Baby

The new trend in the NFL is “icy” all white uniforms. This off season the Vikings, Packers, and Jaguars have unveiled white helmets. If they want them white, why don’t they use white face masks?

Teams with white helmets: Patriots, Dolphins, Jets, Bills, Colts, Chargers, Cowboys, Denver, Vikings, Packers, Jaguars, Browns, Bengals, Georgia Tech. Who have I missed?

Everyone wants to be cool. But when everyone is wearing the same uniform, how cool is that? Wouldn’t you want to be different? The NFL is devolving into one team wearing all white, playing an opponent wearing all black. About as plain as it can be.

Teams with black or navy helmets: Falcons, Bears, Ravens, Steelers, Giants don’t wear navy pants – yet, Rams, Texans, Jaguars, Vikings purple, Eagles, Redskins.

Saw great footage of one of the most unique Falcon helmets in history: Tommy McDonald playing without a facemask, getting tackled by Dick Butkus.

Signs someone is smart.

1. They admit their mistakes. I try to, anyway.

2. They’re great problem solvers. Not me.

3. They appreciate nuance. Not sure what that means.

4. They say “I don’t know”. All the time.

5. They have self doubt. Why I’m reading this article.

6. They ask questions. Not me.

7. They love a challenge. Not really me.

8. They know their audience. Not as much as I need to.

9. They can simplify big ideas. I make things more complicated.

10. They listen to people they disagree with. I'm really close on this one.

11. They’re humble. Am I? Really?

12. They take a moment before blurting out a reply. Not nearly enough.

13. They are well spoken. “Creativity, humor, and verbal acuity are good signs of intelligence. Lack of empathy, low openness, and seeing the world in absolutes are signs of low intelligence”. You tell me.

14. A dry sense of humor. I think you’ll find me all business (old joke).

15. They are great storytellers. That rules me out.;!!AE29DT8V!U3N_VrJiZLHKcIN12kNwhpNpIucLYGKFTc_HbUsj0ehHsTujVBywc7i9FigFAPg94a9N-OkeN02p2Q2hJ5c$

I’m glad I’m not the only one who spends time thinking about socks – Millennials and Gen Zers do too. Right or wrong, I do like my crew socks.

Millennial-Gen Zer Sock Fight Is an Intergenerational Trend War - Bloomberg

MICKEY MANTLE [SABR Bio] was the first Yankee outfielder to win MVP in consecutive seasons, 1956 and 57. Catcher Yogi Berra had won in 1954 & 55. He only won one batting title and one RBI title. In 1956 he won the Triple Crown, when he led the majors in each category. He hit .353, had 130 RBI, and 52 HR.  He did have three additional HR titles, 37, 42 & 40 in 1955, 58 & 60.  He famously had 54 HR in 1961, seven behind the Roger Maris. Mantle homered 284 times while President Eisenhower was in office (1953-61), behind only the 313 of the NL’s Eddie Mathews. In 1993 Mantle was admitted to the Betty Ford Center for alcohol rehabilitation. Betty Ford was the first lady when her husband, Gerald Ford, was president.

Rant of the day: man the mud-slinging is getting deep. Beware of what you read and hear. Things being taken out of context. Kamala even admitted she had done it. Quotes being dragged out from years ago. Facts being scrubbed off the internet, as if it never happened. George Orwell warned us of such. Saw a tweet that had been doctored, or deleted. Plus reminders that we shouldn't expect our enemies to act like anything else.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Shadow of the Wind

I had enough of the book “It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Drama Shapes Who We Are And How To End the Cycle” by Mark Wolynn. He did prove scientifically what it says in the Bible about how a parent’s behavior can effect three generations, and there was some good steps, but some of the remedies he suggested where kinda on the mystical side. Eighty percent of the book was all I could get through.

Now I am listening to The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, a novel of a boy growing up in Barcelona, in search of more information about his favorite author. Great title. Forgot where I learned of this book. Previously read by Connie Morris and Catherine Norman.

I had never read The Firm, nor seen the movie, until the past few months. Good stuff.

Seems like I can never get enough sleep. Was able to get extended sleep last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which was nice. Hoping to sleep late both tomorrow and Sunday. Nice that our Sunday School class doesn’t start until ten. I don’t really mind that worship doesn’t get over until 1230, and we don’t get home until 1 pm.

I wasn’t feeling great yesterday. My lower back had been hurting again after Wednesday’s physical therapy, when they had me doing squats. Then last night I was doing a lot of bending and sitting on the floor with Millie and Shivonne. Slept on the couch but was making several trips to the bathroom during the night. Finally got some good sleep from 330 – 630. Yesterday I had drank lemonade, but this morning chose the Diet Mtn Dew. Feeling much better today, but I think I will take it easy and skip golf tomorrow. Maybe.

With 5 starters out, the Braves lost 3-2 to the Mets. Sale pitched another good game, going into the 8th for the first time in years.  

At lunch I checked out two thrift stores near the office. At Goodwill I almost ran into a young lady in a Mississippi State t-shirt. Then at Park Ave I crossed paths with her again. Got the free large fry deal at McDonalds, along with a chicken sandwich.

Bought a Stripers fishing hat for three bucks. Had wanted to get that hat when they gave it away back in April, but figured it wasn’t worth the ticket and parking and gas for the long drive over there. Of course I look ridiculous in these types of hats, even the Masters one I have. Will probably sell it at a profit.

Sunday night we’re eating at Kimball House in Decatur where M works. M’s girlfriend has to work (there at Kimball House) so it will just be me, C, and M. Most of the menu is seafood which I am allergic to. Guess I will have a steak, unless I can talk Monsie into cooking me a burger.

Crazy that Reid W can still remember the particular day that certain things happened. I would need to refer to my calendars for that. Also interesting about how it took so long for your bus trip. I often wonder how long it took to travel back in the days before interstate highways, like from Atlanta to New Orleans.

DENISON: American rapper Snoop Dogg will be carrying the Olympic flame on its final stretch before entering the stadium. A recent article by Brad East on the relationship between God and the games is a good read.  “Athletes gave God the credit, often in explicitly Christian terms. It was almost like a competition to see who could outdo the others in redirecting praise heavenward.” Given the number of Christians competing, the way the chaotic and unpredictable nature of athletic competition lends itself to a religious perspective.

The 2024 Olympics start today (

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Dystopian Nightmare

With the Olympics kicking off yesterday, Paris hasn't been able to deliver on all of its promises. The river where the triathlon swimming events will be held is still too dirty for humans despite the multimillion dollar cleanup project. Temporary restrictions on intercity travel have been extended through the end of the games. Sure hosting a perfect Olympics is an impossible task, but some are labeling it a dystopian nightmare...days before the opening cermony.

Yesterday the US men's team lost their first soccer game of the Olympiad. A Canadian soccer coach was sent home after flying a drone over the practice of their opening round opponent.;!!AE29DT8V!Sl3CFSI4HNYLqlCdkLMEsqxnNXZq0WD_VAMaAo97d5F3m8gg9aNQxyL8Ebnm0Q1ob0h1wyEH-Imom9CYF0Q$

Benefits of exercise: lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, lower risk of high blood pressure, reduced inflammation, better blood vessels, lower risk of diabetes, a hedge against colon cancer, strong bones, weight loss, and a longer life span. Guess I forgot to include the link to the article.

Man that last round of physical therapy has my lower back hurting – the pain that started all this some four weeks ago. Skipped the gym this morning.

Shoes are something I enjoy. Perhaps a passion. I have too many. Try to wear all my different shoes, though its hard. Got to thinking about how when I retire I won't be going quite as many places as before. My need for 30 pairs of shoes will be even less. Should I quit buying so many shoes? Should I not get those Nike Dunks? Sad times.

Ceil had gone shopping late yesterday, so I had the house to myself for an hour or so after work. She fixed grits and eggs for supper. After Biden's address she watched a Hallmark Channel movie. I had to take Winnie outside at 12:30 this morning.

The girls are spending the night tonight, so I won't be able to rest my aching back.

This coming Sunday night we may be eating at Kimball House in Decatur, where Matthew works. A&C are headed there tomorrow.

KEN GRIFFEY Jr. [SABR Bio] tied Don Mattingly and Dale Long for hitting a home run in the most consecutive games. Each homered in 8 straight games. Griffey 20-28-July 1993. Dale Long did it for the Pirates from 19-28 May 1956. Mattingly's streak was 08-18 Jul 1987. On 11-Jun-2005,Raphael Palmeiro, Sammy Sosa, and Griffey appeared in the same game, the first time three members of the 500-home-run club played in the same game. Ken's brother Craig Griffey, three years younger than Jr., played professional baseball from 1991 to 1997. Craig was drafted out of Ohio State University and advanced as high as AAA in the minors.

Best scenic road trips for families. Includes the Blue Ridge Parkway and Pacific Coast Highway.;!!AE29DT8V!T5wt1TgHac2HtoH_KlkoTuBsd34orT11gAleX-LM-DKIkBoYhApNIcZcCzQHPjlMbJKr0Cr08VmqDZPMoF4$

Article: the creative and spiritual rewards of solitude. Seems like some people have to be constantly yapping on the phone or blasting music. When do they ever stop and think?;!!AE29DT8V!VXrXcinfbMcZoTWGcdya1RbXVZxSEGAskKsaioneRRJbxeVPAlqD8uV_jQ7OBGQfFVp8196aMjK_4JTMCic$

Democracy in action: a pastor received death threats and was forced into hiding after revealing who he is voting for.;!!AE29DT8V!Qgq0FqaMOZwDms-ujTasjlkdeNYbZ_TeMrh8Vw2A5vt5kk2a1iyz2LP2FmaZ4THE-mqzYRcfQVryeRnmyGI$

DENISON: in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's record fourth address to a joint meeting of Congress, he portrayed the Gaza war as a "clash between barbarism and civilization" and claimed, "Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight." Israel appears closer than ever to a war with Hezbollah that would dwarf the conflict in Gaza. As I have written often, these conflicts are ideological and spiritual at their core. Israel claims land given by God to Abraham's Jewish descendants (cf. Genesis 12:1–3), while Muslims are equally convinced that Allah intended this land for Ishmael's Arab descendants and that the Jews have stolen it. The leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah see this "theft" as an attack on Islam, requiring a response that would annihilate the Jewish state. Like Israel, Christians are locked in a spiritual battle with an enemy who seeks to destroy us.

Netanyahu addresses Congress, Biden addresses the nation (

RANT: I want a candidate with substance, who takes seriously the issues of the day, who doesn't laugh off questions like this is just a big party. A candidate who wants to lead and serve the citizens of the United States, and put their concerns first. Is that a bad thing?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Fine Husband

We have a young couple in our Sunday School class this summer, who are about to move overseas to serve. R is a doctor currently working in a free clinic. He’s been coming to the Tuesday night men’s Bible Study, so we’ve participated in conversations together but other than that hadn’t really had time to talk. Then one recent Sunday morning during the service it was the time to greet those around us. R and his wife were sitting behind us. I turned and greeted R. Then Ceil turned around, so I introduced R to Ceil. I was about to turn and greet someone else, but I heard R say to Ceil “You have a really fine husband”. HA! I turned to my friend next to me and told them that I was such a swell guy. YES!

Last night at men’s Bible study I thanked Ryan for what he said. We had eight guys show up despite the thunderstorms. Reid hosted. I was the only David in attendance for a change. Also Dan, Robert, Jim, and neighbor Tom. Larry spoke on contentment. Good stuff. Helped remind me to focus on God, and not all the crap of the world: social media, politics, etc. I’ll type up the notes and share them with you.

It was raining when I left the office, but it stopped by the time I reached my car at the far end of the lot. Then in Peachtree Corners the rain came pounding back hard. Crossing the river there was 6 inches of water in the road. Then a mile up the road the road was bone dry.

Have you seen or heard from John Parkes lately? We used to hang out at Turner Field together during batting practice, and he would tell tales of his travels. When the Braves moved to Truist Park I tried to get him to go to some games, even offering to drive him, but like some was boycotting the Braves because of the move.

Speaking of the Braves, man are their concession prices outrageous. Just a year or two ago you could get a burger and fries for ten or eleven buck, and maybe BBQ for a little more. Now they’re almost $20. One menu item was $37.00. A 20 ounce bottle of water or Coke is 8 bucks. They don’t cut you any slack. Guess it’s like that for all teams. Same high prices out in Gwinnett. But at Mercedes Benz Stadium the food prices are much more reasonable. You get free refills on Cokes.

Ceil cooked a teriyaki stir fry for supper.

Had my last round of physical therapy this morning. As usual they worked me pretty hard. Now I gotta repeat all those exercises on my own. Need to get back to the gym tomorrow. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve gained a little weight back. Not good considering the birthday deals are starting to roll in.

Customer visited today, so we had Jason’s Deli sandwiches and salad for lunch. And a cookie. Oops.

DENISON: conspiracy theories abound. What of Biden’s health across recent weeks, months, and years? Numerous pundits are faulting Kamala Harris for participating in an “epic miscalculation” or even an elaborate cover-up of his failings. Others have alleged conspiracies behind the July 13 attempted assassination of President Trump: Some claimed Biden “sent the orders,” while others called the attempt a “failed coup.” Others “reported” the Secret Service was ordered not to take out the gunman until after he fired on Mr. Trump. Some blamed the shooting on “extreme incompetence” or “deliberate” action by the Secret Service. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned yesterday after a contentious hearing with Congress on Monday. Will this lead to greater accountability, or is it part of the alleged cover-up?

 A good reminder for me, that I don't always heed...