
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Braves Mets

Always good to get out to the ball game. Hadn't originally planned to go, but Evan talked me into trading my extra Riley for his Rome Morton. I got to the gate before 4:30, working up a nice sweat in the process. 

Just like in freezing weather, when it's 90 degrees outside you don't want to be liking one of these bad boys. Things you think about when you stand in line out in the heat for an hour.
Got up to my seat in 422 early - in the shade. A nice breeze was blowing. Very nice.
Earlier while waiting to meet up with Evan I was hanging out by the Chevy display. Fork over your information and they give you a prize. A few years ago it was a Braves t-shirt. Last year it was a plastic see-thru bag. This year a small towel. Next year it'll be a scrap of paper with "Braves" scribbled on it. Nice Rocker jersey though.
Only three All Stars in tonight's lineup.
When leaving my seat after an inning to check out the clubhouse store, I made eye contact with a guy in front of me as I was waiting for a lady to let me pass. I gave him a "hey, can you believe this is taking so long" look, then realized it was my friend Rob, at the game with his daughter. We had a nice - but short - visit. Still I managed to squeeze in three dumb comments: (1) showing off my Braves jersey, (2) telling them we'd just got our dog fixed, and (3) mentioning the color of my shoes. Same old me. If you zoo into the lower righthand corner of the panoramic photo at the top of this post, you'll see them (below).
Wore my new sneakers to the park, after they delivered earlier in the day. From my seat I could see Stone Mountain in the distance, above the left field foul pole.
Tonight's giveaway: reliever Tyler Matzek. Saw a couple of Matzek jerseys in the crowd, including one dude in knee-high striped Braves stocking and red Vans. He looked ready to pitch if needed.
I had prayed that it wouldn't rain. On the internet I had thought these new On running shoes were navy, sure with one purple section on the outside. But out in the sun you can tell - they're purple. Still, I like them better than the white version. Like Matzek above, darker shoes are more slimming. 
Why I skipped the gym this morning - the first of three walks.
Had some plans that kinda fell through. Big crowd at the game and I was worn out from standing out in the sun. At the last game I had stayed later than I'd planned. All excuses for why I left erly. But I got to see a beautiful sunset. And the Braves beat the Mets.

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