
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Love and Forgiveness

In the parable of the talents, which one are you? I always considered myself most like the guy who only received the one talent. It is so hard to not bury the few talents I have been blessed with, based on the way my own life had played out.

I know it's hard as a person without much to look to those given and blessed with so much, and to be inspired by the great job they are doing, sharing what they have been given. They may be only sharing a tiny bit, but to us with little, it seems like so much

While I may consider myself as not having much compared to others I rub shoulders with, some may look at me and consider me to be the one with so much, compared to them. I need to be more considerate of others.
It is said that parenting is the hardest job in the world. It's hard when the kids are little, and hard in a completely different way when they are older. Plus we all start out as parents with only the tools and unique background from which we were raised. It is completely on us as individuals to overcome any deficiencies, and use the many resources available to us to become the best parent possible. We all have good examples and bad examples around us. Both can be used, in different ways. I cannot blame previous generations for my behavior and actions - they are mine alone.

As a parent my goal should be to do an even better job than my parents did, and pray that my kids can overcome my imperfect parenting and become an even better parent than I was.

As individuals we all have different personalities. Some are outgoing, others introverts. Type A or B. Some are quick to anger, others want to withdraw. In life God calls us to love one another as ourselves, to put others ahead of ourselves - despite differences in personality, or these days regardless of political and social differences. Those are topics for another time.

But now more than ever Satan is at work to divide people who should be loving each other. Families and friends and coworkers. I constantly need to be asking God to work through me to love others, to build bridges and bring people closer instead of walls to keep others away. This is so hard for me to even want to do this, what God wants for me to do in service for Him - God's will for my life.

Many times I will see behaviors in other people that I don't like. So often I realize that I am exactly the same way. They may tell a joke that I don't find funny, then catch myself telling a similar joke. And if I think about it, it's really not that funny. People are giving me that courtesy laugh. I'm the one who doesn't get it.

Some people talk too much. Talk about themselves and don't listen to me. Then I realize that I am exactly the same way. So hard to move past that and put others first, to really want to ask them questions and to be more concerned about them.

When you're been hurt by someone, certainly it's so hard to forgive - especially when that person hadn't apologized or changed their ways. So hard to give it over to God, when that person remains big or small, a part of your life. So easy to let Satan keep reminding you of all the bad things that person did, holding it all inside. So hard to forgive. Lord please help me to forgive those who have wronged me. Help those around me to be able to forgive as well.

Social media is such a terrible thing. It allows us to judge others, to anonymously attack and share opinions that in fact show others our true selves - showing others how judgmental, and how little we actually know about we think know so much about. People have long forgotten that it's better to remain silent and let others think I'm a fool than to open my mouth and remove all doubt. I consider myself to be more of an introvert, and have found people thinking that I'm smarter than I consider myself to be.

Let's not let Satan fool us. Let's not let the devil control our lives. It's so hard, and sometimes it seems like we want to wallow in our misery. I want to move past that. 

God help me to forgive. Lord forgive me for the times I've hurt others. Help me to ask for forgiveness from those who I have wronged. All this ain't easy, but Jesus with your help we can. Lord help me to love. Shine Your light through me. Give me your joy, that I can share with others around me.

Note: this i wrote early this morning. It has little to do with the divided political and social nation we live in today. Nothing to do with this afternoon's assassination attempt on President Trump's life.

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