
Sunday, July 14, 2024


Late Saturday afternoon I drove over near the Big Chicken to meet up with Matthew. While I was waiting for him to arrive I got the news on my phone. Former President Donald Trump had been shot at a rally in Pennsylvania. So of course when I got home Ceil wanted to watch several hours of coverage.

Man I wish political conversation could be avoided. So hard to avoid these days. Hard to know what the true facts are. So many attacks and conspiracies. Why do I post? Not sure all of my many readers (including some family) are exposed to the same opinions and stories that I see. And maybe someone hadn't heard the news (bad joke).

Right after the shooting a guy who used to sing in choir with me reported the news on social media (no, not Don Head). As if people wouldn't have known otherwise. Several commented on his post. In a reply he wondered if Trump had faked the shooting, using stage blood.
An old friend of his called him out for the comment. He countered, saying he didn't intend to spread conspiracy theories - but that was exactly what he had done. With reports coming in about the dead and injured at the scene, he deleted his entire post. Social media at its worst.
Trump's election had been contested, then protests and riots staged, the impeachment, and slander campaigns. His re-election laced with many plausible allegations of scandal when Biden received more votes than Obama. Then Trump was indicted for "crimes" committed years ago, their statute of limitations run out (until laws were changed just for his case). Biden stumbled through the debate. Despite all these obvious attempts to get rid of him, Trump remained as popular as ever. With an even more unpopular vice president, the Democrats were stuck. In the past month some observers wondered: is assassination next? Others scoffed, until it happened. 

Already many wonder why the Secret Service wasn't able to prevent the shooting, despite witnesses pointing out the suspect before shots were fired. Will we ever know the truth?   
Saturday morning Ceil met Becky Norman at Bellwood Coffee. Saturday afternoon I mowed the grass in the 95 degree heat. Then I trimmed the many tree branches that were hanging down so low over the yard and driveway. Not much rest.

Saturday after meeting Matthew I got free fries at McDonalds and my free RaceTrac drink.

Leftovers for supper. After news coverage we watched a couple of episodes of The Chosen, that show about Jesus.

26 in Sunday School this morning, taught by my friend Tommy Ferguson. Was in worship but left early to meet a guy buying my huge 75 quart cooler. He was a pleasure to deal with after so many people would say they'd meet up to buy, then quit replying. That's the only reason I left church early, to get it over with. Had to drive 30 minutes over to 285 west.

So the meeting spot was I guess about halfway between our houses. I got there first and he still had a ways to go, so I went inside for a cold drink. The lady gave it to me for free. 

After the exchange I took 285 back east to 75 north to 575 to Barrett Parkway, and cashed in a free car wash. Afterwards I stayed to clean the windows and inside of my car. Made a rookie mistake  and parked out in the hot sun. Not too bad. I needed the vitamin D. 97 degrees.
On the way home I stopped by a thrift store and bought a nice white Braves cap. It'll be good for golf and the beach. Perhaps a Braves SGA, but no sponsor logo.
Later on line I spotted a couple of other cool Braves caps that I don't need. One was on sale. No, I didn't buy them. Yet. Maybe someone will get them for my birthday next month.
Stopped by Taco Bell for a nacho fries deal - 30 days of fries for $10. I'm a sucker for a deal. Also by RaceTrac for my free drink.

Got home and C wanted me to drive her on some errands. Typed the first half of this from Perimeter Mall, and the rest at Trader Joe's in East Cobb Pinestraw Plaza. Pizza tonight.
Back to work tomorrow after being off for 12 straight days - after my 7 am physical therapy appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the clarification! I saw the post and thought about responding but did not. No sense in getting in to a dispute in a public forum. WWJD? Still love him and me despite our flaws.
