
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Church Chat

Our Sunday School leader Brian is on staff, and sometimes has to miss class to attend worship in case the broadcast of the pastor from the Sanctuary to the Activities Center goes out, leaving all the worshippers there without a way to hear the sermon. Yesterday Brian was talking about a time when years ago he was sitting in the front row in case this happened. There was less preparation in those days. Someone slid in next to him and whispered "you are on in 2 minutes".

Only one traditional service at JFBC. Only an occasional Sunday evening service. Activities and classes on Wednesdays, but no central Bible Study that I know of. An occasional night of worship on Thursday night. A big emphasis on small group Bible Study, though.

Back in the 1980's & 1990's I used to write and deliver Top Ten lists at Camp SPdL. When Lang was there he was a big help writing the jokes. Campers still remember me for those lists. From time to time I will make up a Top Ten for a certain occasion. I think I wrote one or two for your birthday dinners that I attended. Last week for my birthday Jimmy Light alluded to my Top Ten lists while wishing me happy birthday. He started with ten but failed to add 9 through one. Someone chided Jimmy, asking if he was going to make me finish. Left me with mixed emotions.

I am a different person now. Hopefully just as funny, if not funnier. But given the chance to present a top ten list to such a diverse group of people on social media caused me to think. An opportunity to express my thoughts and beliefs to people with different viewpoints. How could I do this in a loving way, without being divisive, while hopefully still being humorous? I had seen these comments early Sunday morning but didn't realize my opportunity until the middle of my Sunday School class, when we had divided into small groups. I happened to be the only person with the discussion questions on my phone, which kind of made me the leader. The other three guys were sharing great insights in response to the questions. I shared my concerns about the opportunity in front of me. Young Dr. Ryan prayed that my response would be seasoned with salt. We shall see.     

Used to be that people said they'd be praying for you. That changed to "thoughts and prayers". Now I'm only seeing "thoughts". Heard it on a recent preseason NFL game, when a player was injured. Saw it on a work email offering condolances. Sad times we are living in, though it's unreasonable to think nonchristians should act like Christians.

A preacher looking at his watch in the middle of his sermon – a rookie mistake? Isn't there a clock in the back of the sanctuary?

Archaeologists made a groundbreaking discovery at a Biblical site where Jesus performed miracles.;!!AE29DT8V!SV6t2Qf3WZFagao39scLzvNwq-faegznAPyLmahYNSAKvd2eIEXoDdXpmp-KFVUdVE1to3A_v-EXTYMewjE$

W&MC were hiking near Lake Louise.


Ricky Cobb, who struck gold with his "Super 70's Sports" twitter account, now has a talk show. Interesting topics. Celebrity guests, including Dale Murphy and Jim Kaat. Cobb recently quit his job as a college professor to follow his dream. A great follow, but def TV-MA.

Computer sweepstakes.;!!AE29DT8V!QwZCXblWZC-tUhhLcbCeMPVBmz2LOt3Hjql2TmisrFTFaFaaBNMYvWW-PCCPEhz_ZC2Mkeupw658e_7M61o$

Nissan Leaf sweepstakes;!!AE29DT8V!RM6SOCzDXnQbbpQEB26DXetDt5Wtx2fQMpMd2eg7RcaZo_KexhWEj9yfQ-BEqO7fz6-TrsHYkKB1i_vNnpk$


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