
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

First Bite: Maurice's BBQ

Sunday on the way home we stopped east of Columbia for lunch. We were going to split a Publix sub, but in a weak moment Ceil chose Maurice’s BBQ, a Columbia staple. I’d never been before. Mustard-based Carolina style BBQ. 

Ceil got BBQ chicken, slaw, and green beans. I got pulled pork, potato salad, and Carolina hash (remind me to pass on the hash next time). We also split an order of macaroni & cheese. Kinda old school, but still a pretty good meal. Ceil said it hit the spot.

On the way home we stopped at Dekalb Farmers Market. I was able to catch up on the news and emailed while I waited. And waited.

My beef: I was parked next to a big pickup truck, but pulled as far over away from the truck on the other side of the parking space, since I was parked in the last space of the row. The lady came out and loaded her groceries in the back seat, banging the back door against our car. Then she got in the front seat – and banged that door against our car as well. Then she sped off without saying sorry or anything.

Quiet Sunday evening at home. Watched some of the Braves / Dodgers. Braves haven’t won an ESPN Sunday night game all year. The entire pregame and game was an ESPN love fest for Ohtani and the Dodgers. I about threw up. Braves received little credit for shutting down the much-heralded LA lineup all weekend, until the 9th inning on Sunday night. Those long games that go on and on are so hard to watch. You are a bigger fan than me. Not sure when the last time I watched a game from start to finish, other than UGA or Clemson.

Today is national cheeseburger day. I grabbed a 50 cent double cheeseburger at McDonalds for lunch, and after work will get the junior bacon cheeseburger for a penny at Wendys. Checkers also has a free burger deal, but they’re too far away (and have too slow service). Bad Daddy’s has an $8 burger deal, which isn’t bad.

After two games, former UGA TE Brock Bowers is already setting records for the Raiders.

Met a guy who collected records. When he retired he opened a booth at a Flea Market to sell records, and he does more business than anyone else there. Sometimes people will just give him their old records for him to sell.

I might’ve told you how some companies call will go into a “death spiral”. They cut resources, which leads to decreasing sales, which leads to cutting more resources, etc. until they go out of business. You gotta spend money to make money.

CHARLIE HOUGH  [SABR Bio] was the first Hawaii native to receive a Hall of Fame vote. Hough was born in Honolulu 05-Jan-1948. On 21-Aug-1959, President Eisenhower signed the proclamation that admitted Hawaii as the 50th U.S. state. Hough received only 4 votes (8.%) in the HOF vote of 2000 and so has not appeared again on a HOF ballot. He was the first major league pitcher to throw a regular season pitch in Florida. Hough was the starting and winning pitcher in the Florida Marlins’ (Miami Marlins since 2012) first game on 05-Apr-1993, beating his old team, the Dodgers, 6-3.

DENISON: what I didn’t see in the news: the reporting of the assassination attempt in the news when the event happened. I was watching football at the time and don’t remember on-screen alerts, much less reporters breaking into the telecast. As our broken culture turns down the moral “lights,” we must not allow our spiritual eyes to become adjusted to the dark. We must not allow falsehood to become normalized in our minds and hearts. If we do, we will no longer respond to it biblically and redemptively.

Why did the pope’s statement not receive more attention? Because it aligned with the “tolerance” ethic our secularized society so fully embraces. His words were not counter-cultural; he would have drawn more scrutiny if he had restated the orthodox Christian doctrine that faith in Christ is essential for salvation. Jesus was very clear, stating of himself: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Suspect in apparent assassination attempt first hid for 12 hours (

A Cardinals fan was forced to throw away her MAGA cap before she was allowed entrance to the stadium.

A liberal group thinks one of the Presidential candidates is just pretending to take certain sides on issues in the campaign.

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