
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Society Cookies

Monday night we attended a time of prayer at the Hall’s for friends Lee & Nancy, who leave next week to Spain, to offer hospitality to co-laborers taking a short break from their time overseas. They return on December 7th. Seventeen in attendance, including the Cho’s, Shawn, Daniel, Molly, and a rare appearance by the Watkins.


For the event Ceil baked cookies. As usual, she only used all natural ingredients. As usual, they didn’t taste quite as yummy as cookies loaded with sugar would taste. Flummoxed, Ceil baked a second batch of cookies to take instead.


Thing is, these women love to bring something to share at these get togethers – but the women almost never actually EAT the treats that are brought (sure enough, last night there was much more left over than was eaten). So the women would never know that the cookies didn’t taste good. Of course the guys are going to eat the cookies no matter how “bad” they taste. Disclosure: while the cookies may not have been the greatest tasting in the history of the world, still they were good. As us rednecks say: “they will eat”.

The whole thing reminded me of an old Lewis Grizzard comedy routine from when he guest starred as Julia & Suzanne’s half-brother Clayton Sugarbaker on the January 18, 1988 “Oh Brother” episode of Designing Women: “Why don’t society ladies have group sex? Too many thank you notes!”;!!AE29DT8V!X-hyaQ9Dz-27zwPiho2cdO-y3MmIv7tyEjGz0wfLOBRR99fDDTHQ0w_JALwJsHt75UO1PRoaRTuVHTWSVt8$ 

Normally I love to have a ton of extra cookies in the house to munch on. But after pigging out all weekend, I brought all the leftover cookies to work, to celebrate the Falcons comeback victory. They were a big hit with the guys. For sure I ate my share. Angie also brought cupcakes left over from her daughter’s birthday party.

On the way home from work Monday it crossed my mind that perhaps my tiredness and aches and pains from the weekend may be from a bout of the dreaded covid, since I’d been around so many people all weekend - instead of just all the long car rides and bad food and different beds and using muscles I don’t normally use. Couldn’t just be that. I can’t get covid because I took the vaccine, according to the President. I hadn’t been quite keeping up with my vitamin regimen as I should. When I got home I gulped down several vitamins, and today I’ll be sure to take the full compliment of supplements. Got home last night and was in bed before 10 pm, and slept all the way through until my alarm went off at 530 – a rarity for me.

Tuesday: up early to work out at the gym. The stretching helped my aching back. 

Looked for new home & auto insurance on line and gave them too much info, now my phone is ringing off the hook with spam calls. Smart, David.

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