
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Barney on the Go

Saturday Barney scrambled outside when the door was open. Ceil grabbed him and hearded him back inside the garage toward the door inside. I had opened the front door to Ceil’s CRV so he jumped inside. I had to move the car out of the garage to get to the lawnmower, so I let Barney stay in the car. I moved the car out and lowered the windows halfway, then left him in the car. Ceil wanted just a small section mowed (I had just mowed it a couple of days before). Barney was happy in the car. I moved the car back into the garage, closed the garage door, and left the back door to the car open, but he wouldn’t get out. I did more chores and Barney stayed in the car, happy as a clam. I even made a big cushion for him to jump out on, but he wouldn’t budge. Finally he got out for Ceil.  
Sunday night I went to bed. Ceil was starting another Hallmark movie. I must’ve gone to sleep and didn’t hear thunderstorms. C says she stayed downstairs to comfort Barney. Not sure what time she came to bed. Then in the middle of the night I heard someone clomping up the stairs. Took me a sec to figure out it was Barney, who almost never comes upstairs since he hurt his leg. Must’ve still been scared from the storm. He came over to say hello, then laid down on the floor next to my side to the bed (there’s more room on my side than on Ceil’s side). One time I got up in the middle of the night, but he didn’t move. In the morning I got up and said hello again. Barney went over to the bed and jumped up onto the bed. He almost didn’t make it, but we helped him the rest of the way. Not sure it’s the best thing for him to be doing all that climbing, but he sure seemed to like it. I worry about B jumping down, and climbing downstairs.

Today C had to run some errands. Not sure where. Took Barney with her. Man I tell you I am in no hurry to get out. Have only left the house once in almost three weeks. Don’t mind going back to the office, but there’s not yet been any talk of that yet. Will zip into a store if I need something (drink mix, cheese, quesadilla shells) but nothing extra. Ceil goes out a lot. She watches the virus committee but still goes to the grocery, to her ministry, etc. My small group might get together on Saturday but stay six feet away from each other.
M isn’t thrilled with working at Whole Foods during this quarantine, running the cash register and coming face to face with so many customers. He has been wearing a mask when he goes out.
My hair is getting thick but not really haircut time yet. Got mine cut right before everything shut down. Since its warm now I need to run outside and use the weights I have here at the house. Probably won’t be going back to the gym until this fall.
Anna has developed her own funny newsletter that people are subscribing to. Perhaps this will grow into something big. Perhaps she’ll become a big social media influencer. We’ll see.
ESPN ran a story on whether NFL teams will draft a well decorated kicker like Rodrigo Blankenship or wait and sign as a free agent. While at UGA Rodrigo attended Athens Church, and follows Andy Stanley on social media.

Busy morning. Customer is slow so we’re loaded with inventory. Trying to answer questions, cancel inbound orders, etc. Several conference calls. Customer had been running wide open, then zero for two weeks. Then when they started back they weren’t able to run as much as they hoped. Might be over a week before things pick up, at the least.

Monday afternoon I just kept working on all this stuff until almost seven. Crashed after that. Supper was an interesting chicken dish, cooked in a bag. Then the bag went from the oven to the plate, and you open the bag and eat. Good but a lot to eat.

Watched The Neighborhood but not much else. Ceil turned on The Voice. Did my Hinge Health exercises.

New England Patriots introduced new uniforms yesterday. Jerseys were okay, probably an improvement. But no white or grey pants, only navy pants. Not good. Some said they were as bad as the Falcons.

Today the Chargers introduced their new uniforms. Much better. Similar to their old classic uniforms with light blue jerseys and either yellow or white pants. With the inevitable all-blue alternate uniforms. Bleh. Six different variations, similar to the Falcons – but at least four of the Chargers combos look good.  
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who practice it have a good understanding” Psalm 111:10. Denison: the “fear” or reverence of the Lord is the foundational commitment that positions us to receive his wisdom and understanding…Hindus focus on the cyclical rhythms of nature but wrongly find evidence in them for their doctrine of reincarnation. They note the cause and effect nature of physical reality but wrongly use it to support their doctrine of karma. Buddhists note the fact that suffering is always with us but wrongly make its reality the foundation of their worldview. They note that some who cease to desire a better future find less pain in the present but wrongly make this fact their best hope. Muslims rightly see all creation as the work of the Creator but wrongly view his sovereignty as requiring his apathy. They note that God is higher than the world he made but wrongly conclude that we cannot therefore have a personal relationship with him. Atheistic scientists see the suffering in the natural world, but many refuse to acknowledge the reality of the fall…They therefore wrongly claim that since the world is broken there cannot be an all-powerful, all-loving God.
TIM WALLACH  [SABR Bio] had more hits than anyone else in a Montreal Expos uniform - 1,694 playing for MON. He is also (and will always be) their leader in games (1,767), plate appearances (7,174), at-bats (6,529), outs made (5,115, doubles (360), RBIs (905) not to mention Total Bases (2,728). He was Steve Carlton’s 3,000th major league strike out 29-Apr-1981Carlton would go on to strike out over 1,000 more = 4,136, 4th all-time. He hit the first ever home run against the Florida Marlins 05-Apr-1993 off Charlie Hough His teammates called him Eli. Nickname in reference to actor Eli Wallach.

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