Thursday, October 27, 2005


Finally caught up with Lang's links and SI column last night, where he recapped his weekend...his dad's recap was just as good.

Forgot about the Hawks/Thrashers summer reading program I had enrolled my kids in. Yesterday they each got two ticket vouchers to both a Hawks and Thrashers game.

Speaking of the Colonial, I've probably bored you with the story of eating lunch there in Dallas at the course, a week before the tournament, while there on business.

Who is Natalie Gulbis? Hard for me to keep up sometimes. And what is Ty Tryon doing these days? Why is Tiger good in real life and on video games?

I must be a carrier…a girl in the office was out sick yesterday. Everyone else in the family is under the weather. Then Staci and Charlotte got sick after their party...guess we shouldn't have gone.

Both Anna and Matthew lost teeth yesterday. I had to go to Kroger at 11:30pm to get change for the tooth fairy. Ceil took Matthew to the dentist to get his pulled, but he was brave. Stayed up late folding laundry, but didn’t stay until the end of the game.

Will’s team had a father/son wiffleball game last night. I was the first dad to bat, and homered on my first swing...setting a good tone for the game, but the dads lost.

Work is getting busier with month end approaching.

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