Saturday, May 04, 2024

Call Me the Sultan of Soda

Big day - after months and months accumulating loyalty points at RaceTrac, I have become the Sultan of Soda. When I signed up for the app I hardly noticed the email saying I got one free soft drink a month. Then months later I made it to a free soft drink every week. By then I had to figure out what the deal was. Only so many more points to get to the sultan of soda stage. 

One free soft drink a day, every day -if I take the time to stop. Kinda crowded in the morning. Out of the way in the afternoon. Now that I made it, I'm not sure this the greatest thing in the world. Kinda like George Clooney in the movie Up In The Air, when he reaches the zillion mile mark. He's moved on.

Making for an even greater weekend: two days of eggy boy sandwiches.
And there's more: home made lasagna.
Last weekend Caleb's pal Zac was called up to the big leagues. Caleb had to cut his guys weekend short. Zac had arranged for one of the guys to fly out early Sunday morning, and with only two cars in North Carolina, Caleb had to bite the bullet and ride back to Atlanta at 2:30 am. Micah Owings knows Zac as well. 
Separated at birth: Jeopardy champ Amy Hummel and Nancy Sue Parker, Henry Blake's crush on MASH. Maybe it was just the hair.
When Ceil was away I turned leftovers into nachos.
Where I worked for two weeks. Going forward I'll have to work in the dining room.
While Ceil was gone I fixed myself at least three salads.

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