Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The Dangers of Isolation

Clay Smith: JFBC

Sermon series: Knockoff - don't settle for fake 

Clay uses the New American Standard Bible

We often settle for the fake thing instead of the real thing Jesus wants us to have.

The dangers of isolation

Genesis 2:18 If we get isolated from the pack, bad things can happen. A lifestyle of isolation has a similar risk of death as a heavy smoker, increased risk of heart disease. Phones make us more connected, but also much more isolated.

Gen 1:26-28

Three relational truths…

1. The triune godhead exists since before creation. One God in three persons.

2. As humans we are made in the image of God. We can think, have morals, have dominion over animals.

3. We were made to have relationships with God and others.

Being Made in God's image Grounds our behavior. Gen 9:6.

Most Christians are pro life because every human is made in the image of God.

Gen 2:18-25 helper means "ideal partner". Adam named all the animals.

Not just a relationship with a spouse, God made us to have relationships with God and others - even the hard charging type A seize the world types. We must depend on God and others.

The church is a different kind of community. We're here together experiencing God's love. We pursue God together. We talk about family, the Bible, kids, diet, football, doctor visits, our workouts. We talk about life. …but we rarely talk about our struggles, our failures. We need to go deeper than just surface level - this is real community.

Dangers of isolation

1. There's no help when you fall Gal 6:1-2 bear one another's burdens.

2. You are vulnerable to deceptive thinking. Leads to depression. Heb 3:12-13 encourage one another.

3. The church is weakened. It's easy to hide in a big church. 1 Cor 12:12 God desires us to belong to the body.

When it comes to community, what's your next step?

Sunday was JFBC fall kickoff Sunday. Lots of kids wore jerseys.

Sunday School notes 2 Timothy 4:7-8

1. Be sober minded.

2. Endure suffering - you never know how God is going to use this.

3. Do the work of an evangelist, look for opportunities.

4. your ministry, don't quit. Wolves - people among you - will still your sheep.

1 Cor 9:24 run the race as if to win. Strive, push on, with the power of Christ in me.

Heb 12:1 the example of those who came before us. With God all things are possible. "Let it be to me" - Mary had faith, and while carrying God's son she suffered greatly. Life can be a battle. So hard to trust God in tough times.

Acts 20:24 my kid is to finish the course that God set up for me. Paul's suffering is an example for us, an example to Ephesus, Corinth, etc.

ME: it's okay if I die. I've lived a full life. Sure, I want to live a long life. I have more things I want to do. I want to be there as my kids and grandkids grow up. But if it doesn't happen, I am at peace.

Read "Life Together" by Deitrik Bonhoeffer

Look back at your life. Have I fought the good fight? Have I finished the race? Have I kept the faith?

A. Truth: is the word of God present in my life? How?

B. Belonging: do I engage in the community of the church? How do I need to grow in this area?

C. Purpose: what ministry has God led me to? Am I fulfilling it?

What changes do I need to make?

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