Sunday, October 06, 2024


Clay Smith JFBC
Daniel 4:1-37
Sermon series Sovereign
The one sin that will ruin anything: pride

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" - from the play " Henry the 4th"

God's sovereignty: the wisdom power & authority with which God chooses to do anything within his creation.

A leader who thought he was the greatest ever, in Daniel 4:1-3, written by King Nebuchadnezzar.

1. The Dream v 4-18 happens perhaps at the end of Neb's reign. He can't understand what it means, so he calls for Daniel to interpret, because D is a holy man. The tree changes from an "it" to a "he" who loses his mind and acts like an animal. The Point v 17 the tree represents a kingdom. Israel struggled under Babylon's rule, as a punishment for their sin.

2. The Interpretation v 17-27. Daniel was appalled but is respectful to the king, who didn't realize what he had coming to him. Likewise we are called to show respect for our leaders if we disagree with them. V 23. Neb was to struggle as long as he failed to honor God. Neb had great pride

"No man is free of pride. Few can admit they are prideful. The opposite is humility. Pride is the complete anti God state" - CS Lewis

V27 Daniel tells Neb to submit to God, to repent and to treat the lowly well. It starts with repentance.

3. The Fulfillment v 28-33. twelve months pass. I built Babylon with my own might, says the king. " It's all about me". A voice from Heaven said Neb's sovereignty was removed. He lost his mind and ate grass.

4. The Result v 34-39. The king came to find out who God was…he came to his senses. The iron in the dream was God's protection, that even in his madness he was still protected by God. In the end Neb praised God

Concerning pride: practical things we can do
1. Avoid taking credit for things
2. Praise others, not yourself.
3. Help others succeed.  
4. Admit your mistakes. Powerful to say "I was wrong".
5. Learn from others.
6. Go last. Let others go ahead of you.
7. Serve someone. Look for opportunities to serve.

Sunday School notes: Brian Fox

Luke 3:1-20 Luke shows how actual verifiable world leaders were linked to John the Baptist, and how these events are linked to the prophecy of Isaiah.

John preached to all classes of society, to the rich and the lowly, tax collectors, soldiers, etc.

I had a good chat with Jimmy, a horse vet who makes house calls. Big sports fan. Finished UGA in 1987.

Instead of a blood sacrifice which included sprinkling the blood, later water was sprinkled instead of blood.

The Jews thought they had it made since they were of the lineage of Abraham - why John called them a brood of vipers.

9 men 11 women in Sunday School 6 couples 10 leading worship 4 guitars 2 keyboards

Pray for Burden Opportunity Boldness


Oct 04 student dinner

Oct 19 serve Atlanta

Oct 25 axe throwing

DENISON: "in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame" (1 Peter 3:15–16).


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