Dr. Marsh’s funeral was well attended. Charles delivered a well prepared eulogy. His children read Bible verses. Another pastor about my age who’d been a kid in Mississippi with Charles also spoke, as did a pastor from “Peachtree Church – a Presbyterian Community” as they call themselves now. Gave me a little understanding of how after their missionary work the Marshes were lured to Peachtree Pres by ex-SPdL members to teach a Sunday School class, perhaps looked upon warily by the church staff. Throughout the service there were several Baptist / Presbyterian jokes. I didn’t look at my watch, but the service must’ve lasted over an hour.
Along with the order of worship, I was handed a small booklet with the story of Bob’s life, probably written by Charles. Bob’s son spoke of watching old home movies with Bob and Myra, of reading essays that Bob had written at different points in his life. About the time in the late 60’s when Marsh led a group of teens from Haight Ashbury on a retreat in northern California, making the Gospel relevant to those kids used to listening to Rolling Stones lyrics. Of preaching “Amazing Grace for every race” to his Mississippi congregation for a month in a successful effort to let them accept a Negro family from Queens NY as members. Of Bob’s tattered old Bible. Of playing basketball with German kids. How Bob rarely referred to himself in his sermons – not many “I”’s and “me’s” but lots of “Myra and I”. Many many familiar faces. As I walked in I saw Mark Stephens, and vowed to sit with him. Saw Mary and David Hubert. Sat in front of Becky Norman and her sister Diane Corbett. Ashley was not there. Sammy and Sylvia Nagib sat with them, along with Scott Rees and his wife. Dan Gastley sat with Mark. He looks good. Dan attended Passion City Church while his son was in high school, but now attends a church closer to home. I was reminded of how Leah used to pronounce Dan's name "How Gaustley!" Saw Victoria Taylor, who lives in Decatur.
I did not recognize the woman we sat next to until Hal and Linda Simpson came and sat with her. It was Hal’s sister Beth Simpson, whom I’d known from my single days. We both realized who each other were at the same moment. She does volunteer work in New York. Suzie and Jim Voyles sat in front of us, along with their daughter and young granddaughter.
Lots of Mullens sat near the front: Pam, Holly, Tripp, and Audra (above with Mr. C). Rick and Miriam Statham, Tommy Statham, and Tommy’s dad. Kelly Curran said that Tommy often visits with Myra. Heather Swilley stopped by to give me a hug. Kelly Korey and her mother also sat up in the front. Got to chat for a while with Miriam, who said that Julie Adair had wanted to come from Arkansas for the service. Not sure if the snow prevented her. Rick Statham spent a good deal of time talking to Bryant Wright. Miriam said her parents (Frank and Glynda Crumpler) live in Alpharetta.
I had arrived early. Ceil came later. She walked in and sat with Mary and David Hurt, Jim Ewing, Jimmy Ewing and his wife, and Margaret Ewing Gaither and her husband Will. Older Jim Ewing will be having rotator cuff surgery. Ceil got to chat with Kitti Murray. Everyone wanted to see Ceil, who doesn’t make many appearances around SPdL people, as you know. Kelly Curran wanted to talk to her. Kelly’s older son graduated from UGA and is moving to Nashville. Her younger son is a sophomore at Georgia Southern.
Sitting with Mark was a hoot. We tried to figure out who people were. He did not stick around for the reception, and the Hurts were concerned about him. Mark seemed okay to me. Was it Mark who said he attended the JFBC church plant, Christ Community? That’s where Ashley goes.
Others included Curt Swilley, Ginny Greene, Deborah Light, Jimmy Light. Nancy Shippen (top, with Myra). Nancy Harris. Mary Elizabeth Teem earned her PHD and now works in Columbus. Charles Baugh shared what was going on with hm.
Had a nice conversation with John Flack, who was there with his mother. He has two kids in the JFBC youth ministry. Later I saw John speaking with Scot Wright – they both may be in commercial real estate.
Also got to speak to Glenn Goldsmith, who still works in ministry at Emory University. Jere Jr is retiring this year, and Dan Toholsky is considering it.
Carl Bedingfield is 74 (above), and just retired this past fall. He says playing the stand up bass in the FBC Gainesville orchestra is therapeutic. Carl is still getting used to retirement. When he told David Hurt and me that he’d worked at AT&T for 37 years plus another ten at other jobs, I wanted to tell him that we’d get back with him if we had any job openings. Jane gave me a hug. Their two daughters were with them. Becca was surprised that I recognized her – she’s lost weight and looks great.
Herb and Dorrie McKoy, whom we’d seen when Dr. Marsh baptized Jimmy Ewing’s kids. Herb remembered how, as a teenager, he heard me talking about trying to teach my dog Speedle to pick up pine cones so I wouldn’t have to. Dorrie said he remembers everything.
Several of the old singles gang was there: Barbara Brown. George Volkert. Gayle Nelson attends a JFBC church plant in Roswell. Camile Roberts Christopher says husband Paul is working from home more, which drives her crazy. John Roma and his friend Dave were there.
David and Laura McDaniel. Scot and Peggy Wright sold their house to their child Land, who has 3(?) kids. Scot and Peggy moved to a nearby townhouse. They still attend Buckhead Church. Scot is 67 but has yet to retire. Sat behind Fred Henritze, who nodded to me.
Didn’t get to speak to David Wiley, David Deeter, Marby Rainer, Trish Lanier, or Jane Warren. Just a short chat with Thad Warren. Did speak to John Condra, who was snapping pictures to share with Margaret when he got home.
Hung out with David Hurt as the reception wound down. Said he has lunch with Ashley Corbett a couple of times a month, down at the Mad Italian in Chamblee, off 285. While we were talking we couldn’t figure out who a lady was, until she came over to give me a hug – Ruth Walker Demby, an old friend of Leah and Jane’s. Back in my single days Ruth and I shared a four hour drive to Alabama together, right after we had just met.
As usual we were one of the last to leave. Got back to our car at 5:30 – a long but sweet afternoon.