Monday, April 19, 2021

Top Pizza Places

Steak Shapiro’s top pizza joints: (1) Antico. Not my favorite. (2) Athens Pizza. (3) Fellinis, (4) Grana, (5) Nina and Rafi’s on the Beltline, (6) 04W Pizza in Duluth: New Jersey style, (7) Varassanos Pizzeria in Buckhead, (8) Slim and Husky’s. Honorable mentions: Karvela’s Pizza in Hogansville and LaGrange, Mellow Mushroom, Rosati’s deep dish. Have I posted this before?  

Last night Freddie Freeman and Anthony Rizzo were having fun playing baseball.

Jim Nantz’s first round at Augusta National.

The last player for each team to wear number 42. Moe Vaughn was the last player for three teams. Pitcher Armando Reynoso for the Braves.

Health Benefits of Giving Up Diet Soda.

1. Reduces your risk of stroke and dementia.

2. Alcoholic drinks absorb into your body slower without diet soda.

3. Risk of depression drops.

4. Lowers your risk of cardiovascular problems.

5. Teeth will be healthier.

6. Reduces your risk of weight gain.

7. Less likely to deliver a preterm baby.

8. Your kidneys will be healthier.

Denison: the next time you encounter something discouraging, embrace that feeling. Don't turn away in despair. Instead, name the hopelessness you feel and the inadequacy it incites in your spirit. Turn your weakness into a request for God's strength. Ask him to give you words to pray and say, steps to take, compassion to offer. Oswald Chambers reminded us "God never gives us discernment so we may criticize, but that we may intercede." When we choose to pray and serve despite all opposition and discouragement, we experience the power of God in ways that will change our lives and those around us.

Jeff Henderson: anxiety is something I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with over the last few years. For a few days in a row now, I’ve felt like I’ve been experiencing a constant, low-grade feeling of anxiety. The more I’ve thought about it though, it’s different from what I’ve experienced in the past. I’ve realized it’s not anxiety. I’m just being stretched. It’s a new season with new opportunities and challenges. I’m using muscles I’ve never used before, or haven’t used in a long time. I’m being stretched in ways like never before.

It’s not anxiety. This is just what growth feels like. Stretching seems like your freshman year of college — a mixture of anxiety and uncertainty mixed with hope and purpose. Stretching creates a larger capacity for growth. It’s what any new season seems to feel like. One of the lessons I’ve learned is to relax during the stretch. The normal tendency is to protect and restrict your movement. When this happens, you’re actually fighting against the person trying to help you.

One of the ways I’m trying to cooperate with the process is to realize the difference between anxiety and growth. I can’t grow unless I’m being stretched. In other words, embrace the process. I have a friend who puts it more bluntly. “Embrace the suck,” he says. I think I’ll stick with “Embrace the process.” But the point is still true. When you’re in the middle of the stretch, my friend is correct. Have there been moments where I’ve had to, as my friend says, “Embrace the suck”? Absolutely. But I’m not stretching for the sake of stretching. It has a purpose, two in fact:

1. Stretch for Strength. This season of stretching has made me a stronger person. It’s deepened my reliance on the Lord and He has challenged me to go to new places in trusting Him.

2. Stretch for Growth. I can already tell I’m a better leader and person because of it. Has it been easy? Of course not. A good stretch never is. But the pain comes with a purpose, and that purpose is growth. Growth is worth the pain. Trust God. Relax in the stretch, and embrace the process. You’re growing. And it’s worth it.

Old Comminsky and new Comminsky. We caught our only White Sox game the last year of the old ballpark, with the new park almost finished.

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