Saturday, June 22, 2024


1977-1978 lived with Aunt Martha in Sandy Springs

Summer 1978 worked at Baskin Robbins?

1987-1979 lived with Don Sells, Wayne Smith, Mike Kirkland off 85 Shallowford Road

Summer of 1979 worked at Betz Chemical south of Macon.

When I went off to GT after the first two summers in Macon, I stayed in Atlanta permanently after that, living in the GT BSU and going to summer school, from fall 1979 through Dec 1982, except for a short time when I lived in the Peachtree Park Apartments behind Benihana, with Yearwood and Eddie Parker. 

During my college and SPdL days. Would be at SPdL Sunday AM & PM and Wednesday nights. Also other times for special events. Also Mighty Mites and church basketball and softball. At GT BSU we’d have our big meeting on Thursday nights plus a weekly discipleship group, plus intramural football, basketball, and softball. Also a lunchtime Bible Study (no wonder I flunked out).

Then when I moved to the singles dept (and from chapel choir to adult choir) we had singles supper every Monday night at the Huberts, and I think visitation was on Tuesday. Gym night once a month on Fridays. I was in Sanctuary choir for a few years, during my single days around 1983-1987-ish. In 1982-1983 I was an “actor” in several of Condra’s Easter and Christmas productions. One time I played the disciple Thomas in Living Pictures, and various other roles.

After GT, I lived near Grady High on Greenwood Ave, with a series of roommates. When my grandfather died on Thanksgiving 1986, I moved into his house on Hillpine. Bought the house and lived there until 1994 or 1995.

Got married and still was involved in youth dept and Camp SPdL and church softball. Still fellowshipped with those families, and people in the choir. When we started having kids and dialed back, we started going to young married adult Sunday School class. It just wasn’t the same. Hard to fit in with that group. We did like our small group with the Ewings, Hurts, Stephens, Normans. That was our Super Bowl party reunion every year for over 20-30 years.

Loved the preaching at North Point, and now at JFBC with Clay Smith. With Marsh I focused on his content and less his preaching style, which was tops. With Clay and Andy I marvel at the way they can so easily communicate. Louie would preach from the heart, which Ceil loved, but he was all over the place when he spoke – not organized where you could take good notes.

Wednesday: worked past 6 pm. Ceil was home, and had baked sourdough bread. Made me a chicken sandwich. After supper I washed my car and did some laundry, so I didn’t sit down until 9 pm. Earlier we watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.

Thursday: up early to run at the gym. Slowing down at work, but there’s still catching up to do. Cleaned up a few old orders, Reviewing inventory. Got plenty to do while my customer is shut down. The number of emails in my in box has ballooned to over 30. Almost 40. Every one a time-consuming project I will have to figure out. Hopefully while things are slow I can whittle that down – hopefully to ten or less. Finished the week with 29.

For lunch I got the Wends deal: a big burger and small chicken sandwich for two bucks, and then next door to Arbys for fries for a dollar. Today Wendys has a special: a $1 single with purchase. Arbys has a dollar fries deal. Then Rachel gave me a CFA cookie, so I was stuffed. Worked past 530.

C had the girls at home. They’re used to supper at 6 and bedtime at 8, but C took them around the corner to see a friend, so supper wasn’t over until 8 pm. The organic grass fed taco meat was too spicy for the girls (and me).

C had promised Shivvy ice cream, so we had to load them in the car for a trip to Chickfila. Saw my friend Matt, who like me hadn’t shaved since Sunday. Both girls feasted on ice cream, then Shivvy wanted to explore the playhouse. She was a little small for it.

Then the girls needed baths, so they were just getting to bed at 10 pm. I had to walk Winnie and wash the dishes, so it was after 1030 before I crashed for the night on the living room sofa. I was exhausted from the long day, so I slept real good. Skipped the gym and got almost 8 hours of sleep.


Did you see any of the SF Giants vs StL Cardinals game last night at Birmingham’s Rickwood Field? Old time uniforms and scoreboards. Nice.

At RaceTrac Friday morning I mixed frozen Mtn Dew with Diet Mtn Dew, but it was a little too sugary for my tastes. Chickfila at lunch for a free sandwich in their app, the new maple pepper bacon sandwich. Comes with lettuce and tomato, and choice of grilled or fried. Dinner Friday night with the Halls, Rices, and Hongs. Braves visiting the Yankees this weekend. Saturday game on Fox. 

Top Hall of Famers by WAR (100.0+) who were not elected on the first ballot.

Player          Eligible   Elected  WAR)-Rank


Collins......1936-38....1939..124.3... 13th

Grove........1944-46...1947...106.8... 26th


Lajoie........1936........ 1937...106.9...24th

Ott.............1949-50... 1951...110.9...20th

Speaker.....1936....... 1937...134.9.... 9th

Young........1936....... 1937...163.6.... 3rd

Denison is always good at explaining world events.

Are Hezbollah and Israel on the brink of all-out war? (

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