Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Anxious Generation

Finishing up the novel "A Gentleman in Moscow". Pretty good. Next up will be "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness" by Jonanthan Haidt. The book has a picture of a girl staring at her phone on the cover. Damning evidence of exactly how and why and what changed kids from healthy to anxious: (1) parential overprotection (not letting them play outside) and (2) kids playing video games and social media apps instead of playing outside.

From memory, a list of Seinfeld characters: Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, George, Newman (above), Jerry's parents, George's parents, Uncle Leo, Puddy, J Peterman, Mr Pitt, Jerry's grandmother, Kramer's lawyer Jackie Stiles, the midget, Susan, Susan's parents, the bubble boy, the bubble boy's parents, George Steinbrenner, the Assman, Keith Hernandez, Jerry's parent's neighbor, Papi, the dentist, the marathon runner, the sponge worthy boyfriend, Deloris, Elaine's father, JFK Jr., Elaine's chiropractor friend with the old hairstyle, Baboo, the Russian gymnast, Janine Garafalo as the reporter, Teri Hatcher as the girlfriend, Marisa Tomei as herself, the pen salesman. NBC executive Warren Littlefield. Rob Schneider as the hard of hearing coworker. Schmoopie. The Soup Nazi.

Kimberly Kitchens had a small stroke. She may need therapy, but has been improving. She is still telling corny jokes on social media. Kimberly married my GT BSU friend Jim Johnson. Man if that happened to me I couldn't put it on social media, but I'm sure all the prayers helped. Saw a photo of Don Head, and he looked good.

Young John Watkins is working for Formula 1 in Austin Texas.

The Tin Lizzy in East Cobb isn't far from my house. We went once.

Caleb mentioned they might trade in Anna's 2017 Honda HRV for something larger. They'd just got new tires, and Honda had just repainted the car and put on new front and rear bumpers. I would consider swapping out my car for hers, but would have to add cash to the deal. Probably not. I am going to drive Caleb crazy one day, though he is super chill. He's used to crazy.

Yeti cooler sweepstakes.;!!AE29DT8V!TsnwQi-gRbd_pS8DolXXi6qHPDBgpXpXzLxKWpBEHVd8zfrbSWy-csobb4-dvmTwY48hr2G38CNgawsJGds$

Win $1 million from Ruby Tuesday.;!!AE29DT8V!XxqCKaUuBJjULRUmZP5-KBplOvCQUob6IvHkx0a7cxpaHTQLEqp1n2Vw4lcoe1Wg_PsvOJQQ4xZ8MMAtues$

Trip to Paris sweepstakes.;!!AE29DT8V!QKgRoT_giKW4ysDRQk6zXyR2gmxnjbxkJ0krPHJxbUSkV3JFJ7E9RSll-e4rO_wAABLJfzTufzVkn7UQyt0$

Another Paris sweepstakes.;!!AE29DT8V!S3y0aRRKKalUBAxUKtUPiEHXUHcrYe_ov-kfP1QYLqalAlFKuY4VTdZxusSQ4vP6iTGvdqRa8MXvddxzJDM$

Another Angel Reese / LSU scandal, this time a physical altercation.;!!AE29DT8V!T_s4WkTuPoxFrexEi9T8HpIm9ip6DaQpM9ZsEQfrvGCT0-pP_WtwsBoiSF7a0bHQSKHrsOwY-amwNffQxmk$

DENISON: last year saw the highest number of state-based conflicts since 1946. Related stories:

According to Pew Research Center, a majority of people around the world are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working. But another Pew study finds more than 8 in ten adults in Hong Kong and Taiwan say democracy is a good way to govern – but democracy is threatened by autocracy in both places. The chief complaint of those dissatisfied with democracy has to do with those leading it: 61% do not agree that "elected officials care what ordinary people think."  As we noted, democracy works to the degree that the people who vote and the leaders they elect are people of virtue capable of self-governance. Many believe corrupt politicians are leveraging free speech to undermine our democracy. Critical Theory advocates are convinced the American experiment itself was launched by white supremacists who leveraged government for their personal advancement. If we believe the "other side" is evil, we will engage in partisanship. You are either a corrupt politician or their naïve victim, either a racist or an enemy of the country.

Russia is trying to erase Ukrainian evangelical churches (

Among National League Hall of Famers, MEL OTT [SABR Bio] has the most seasons with at least 100 walks (below). In the AL, Ruth, Gehrig, Williams, Mantle, & Frank Thomas each had 10+ 100-BB seasons. Ott led his league in home runs six times, but not once with a home run total over forty, and not once with a total that led the majors. Ott led the NL in HR in 1932 (38)*; 1934 (35)*; 1936 (33); 1937 (31)*; 1938 (36); & 1942 (30). He has an honored place in one of baseball's most famous poems: "Line-Up for Yesterday: An ABC of Baseball Immortals" is a poem written by Ogden Nash for the January 1949 issue of SPORT Magazine.  In it, Nash dedicates each letter of the alphabet to a famous player, 24 in all & includes a clever reference to himself. I would position it behind only "Casey at the Bat" & "Baseball's Sad Lexicon".

BBs    Year

113..... 1929

103..... 1930

100..... 1932

111..... 1936

102..... 1937

118..... 1938

100..... 1939

100..... 1940

100..... 1941

109..... 1942 Coworker 

Brad scored a deal on a lightweight Braves polo at BJs Club - and got one for his son as well - and me. Can you tell we are holding our bellies in?

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