Friday, March 27, 2009


Man, it’s busy at work these days. My temp’s last day is Tuesday, then the 4 of us who remain will have more work to do. Another department also laid off a long-time employee yesterday. Times are rough. I’m trying to take off this afternoon, since Ceil’s leaving at 1 pm to spend the rainy night in the zoo with Matthew and his class. (Friday morning Ceil asked me to take her place, half-jokingly).

The kids are taking their standardized tests on Wednesday, so Ceil wants to minimize activity early next week.

Wednesday night Will put on the new Brewers jacket and wore it the rest of the evening. When I picked up him and Abby at school last night, it appeared he had worn it all day today as well. The pickup made me miss the Braves on TV last night. Matthew was watching SpongeBob and forgot his beloved American Idol (Ceil was gone).

Doing these exercises on the days I don’t run. One exercise was a leg curl, and as I had been doing them the last month or so I had thought more than once that it would probably make me somehow pull a muscle. Sure enough, I think something pulled Sunday afternoon on the baseball field, making my runs Monday and yesterday most painful. Happened to glance up at our building during my run, remembering the Ogre was meeting in the corner conference room next to my desk, close to the track. Damon was watching me, and we exchanged waves. The Ogre didn’t believe him.

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