Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Washington Stories

Ceil and Matthew pose with Washington Chief of Police Pinkerton in front of Ford's Theater. The chief took time from his busy schedule to discuss what he saw the night of April 14, 1865 while seated in the front row of the theater. The brick building across the street is known as The House Where Lincoln Died.

We only took the Metro Tuesday, though it worked out well. We did stay busy, but all the walking and heat were almost too much for the kids. Had I been more thoughtful, we could’ve taken the Metro for shorter trips around town.

Monday I’d planned to drive to Mt. Vernon and Arlington, two places with ample parking. But coming into the city at mid-day I saw a traffic buildup and took a wrong turn, onto the mall area. I spotted an open parking space next to the Washington Monument, so I grabbed it. The change of plans threw Ceil for a loop, but it actually worked out well. We walked near the White House, ate hot dogs, and went to the nearby museums: American History and Natural History. The Natural History Museum had this huge evolution exhibit, and with all the stuffed animals had a sign that said “Meet Your Ancestors!” Lies! We finished the day at Arlington.

Ceil stayed back in Fredericksburg both Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday she wanted me to drive in again. I dropped them off at the Spy Museum and parked near the Jefferson Memorial, where I figured we’d finish the day. That’s when I saw the presidential motorcade. I think everyone enjoyed Mt. Vernon the best. I liked Ford’s Theater, where we spoke at length to a Park Ranger, who dressed and spoke in period attire.

Like me, I think Matthew liked the things that involved the presidents the most. Much of the museum stuff wasn’t as interesting to me the second time around. M had asked where the Nationals ballpark was, so I pointed it out to him while we were looking out of the Washington Monument. He said he disliked the Nationals, because they were the Braves rivals. Said he liked the Orioles and Astros, but I forgot why.

Got through a day early, but instead of coming home Thursday I took the kids to Baltimore. The kids enjoying visiting Charm City Cakes, but all they could do was stand outside and take pictures. The neighborhood its in is not very good at all, but it’s located across the street from a police station. No wonder they were so happy when a café opened up across the street.

Missed seeing the Orioles, but I bought an authentic # 78 BP jersey at Goodwill…orange with black lettering.

Friday we stopped in Richmond and had lunch with my college roommate Brett Freemon. Hadn’t seen he or wife Donna in over 15 years. They haven’t changed much…they’re both skinny! Got home late Friday. Unpacked and worked around the house on Saturday.

Averaged almost 40 MPG for the trip…not bad considering we ran the air conditioner the whole time, as well as all the traffic we were in.

Sunday we went to Nancy’s 50th birthday party. There were over 50 people at her house! It was good to get back to watching the Braves again. Looks like Uggla may be bouncing back.

After swimming five straight days before we left, Matthew didn’t swim once in Virginia. Sunday Matthew went to Lake Allatoona with a friend. Matthew is making himself at home in his room. He is practicing the guitar more, which is good. Looks like our 30 year old air conditioner may be on its last legs.

Anna posted most of the real pictures we took. I tried to avoid being in the pictures, but failed a few times. Out of the 27 days since school got out, Anna has spent at least 22 with friends. During that time she spent 13 nights away from home.

Saw pictures from Will’s first week with the campers. Looks like he’s having a good time. His beard is back. Looks like most of the other male chaperones are growing them as well.

Tuesday night we flipped on Food Network and Iron Chef was on. It was the one where Isabel was sitting next to Keyshawn Johnson. We watched the whole thing again. The other judge was a comedian, so it was up to Isabel to voice all the expert food opinions…she didn’t get much help from the other two.

Louie spoke to the Southern Baptist Convention. That’s a huge deal, considering how conservative they are. I guess since he was best buds with Andy, they let him speak. Andy’s dad used to be president of the SBC.

Pops is finally home, and doing much better. Already walking around the yard picking up gumballs. He’s back driving short trips to the store.

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