Monday, May 20, 2013

Passing the President

Worked late Friday, until 6:45. I stopped at Kroger for fries, beans, and buns. Will was home from the mountains. He cooked the burgers. Then he and Ceil went shopping at the REI sale for Will’s summer camp. Anna went to the Veritas graduation, then slept over at Emily’s house.

While watching the Braves I worked on my on-line Braves history. Here’s what I have so far: Also worked on it some Sunday afternoon. The plan is to add one year every day, but I’m spending time on the photos as well.

Saturday morning I drove M to the mall for the 10:10 am showing of “Iron Man III.” Went back to pick him up 2 pm. Anna came home, changed, and headed back out to a graduation party. She returned in time to go with W, MC, and C to MC’s sister’s dance recital.

Sunday Andy Stanley spoke about how bosses should lead with a “what can I do to help?” attitude. I thought about my boss, and his boss. Both do a decent job of this. Andy mentioned the book “Good to Great.” This morning I noticed that my boss’s boss has a copy in her office. Andy’s hair is finally starting to turn grey.

Will drove Ceil to the 11 am Passion service, where she worked in the nursery. On the way home from North Point Matthew announced that he was supposed to meet his small group for lunch. For some reason I took 75 south, and on the way noticed the northbound lanes were vacant. Then I saw police cars on the overpasses, and knew Obama was headed back to Dobbins AFB. Though the concrete median blocked the view, I saw glimpse of several black SUV’s. When I headed north on 85 I saw that 85 south had also been completely shut down. Cars were backed up for miles.

Dropped M off and headed back home, stopping for gas along the way. Then A drove my car back down for youth group. I did laundry and watched the Braves. Also watched the episode of the Big Bang Theory that Bob Newhart was in. Later I watched the Bill Cosby / Mark Twain Award show on PBS. Went to bed early and read more of my “The Third Bullet” book.

Today Will left for Camp Highland.

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