Thursday, July 19, 2018


Sunday: since Anna had homework to turn in we made breakfast tacos-eggs, bacon, Mexican sausage after a trip to Whole Foods. Didn't turn on the TV.

Monday we stayed on the beach most of the day, after grits, eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. M came and went to and from the beach, borrowing my flip flops. Water was calm. Sunny most of the day. We could see clouds out in the Gulf, also to the east and west. Clouds to the north as well. But we had sun. Ceil spend a long time out in the water. I joined her, but accidentally left my cap in my chair. Got plenty of sun on my face. Ceil went back to the condo. She’s taking an on-line art class this summer and she did Book a Million and Publix. M and A got flip flops at Old Navy. Also stopped by Target. Got back late so I didn’t pull out my laptop. Did see some of the Home Run Derby and Celebrity All Star Game.
Same breakfast on Tuesday morning, then out to the beach. Most of the day we sat out there reading. More of a breeze, and the waves were stronger, but Ceil and I stayed out in the water for a while. I finished two short books, one by John Maxwell and one by Andy Stanley. Read three quarters of Pete Van Weiren’s book “Of Mikes and Men.” Stayed out on the beach until after 5 pm. Anna and Matthew went to Whole Foods for chicken and fish, and we had tacos. Drove over to Borders Books, and later Whole Foods for peaches. Came back and ate ice cream and watched the end of the all star game.

Long day on Wednesday. Woke up at 5:30 and set out on my two hour drive west to Gulf Shores. Traffic wasn’t bad and most of the scenery was nice. A killer putt putt course… ( ) the oldest surviving Goofy Golf course in the country – 60 years old in West Pensacola.
The Roadkill Café in Elberta. An amusement park built and run by Indians just outside of Gulf Shores. 

And Kitty’s Kafe in Gulf Shores, where I ate breakfast with my former coworker. We both had an omelet and French toast. A good visit, which included the short ride over to their new house about a mile away. A worthwhile morning. My first trip heading west from Destin, so I was able to see all the boats headed out and back to sea from the big bridge.
Got back around noon and joined C and A out on the beach. Another sunny day with a gentle breeze. In my haste I had forgotten book number four, so when I finished the Pete Van Weiren book I took a nap. We came in a little early, got cleaned up, and fought traffic east past Silver Sands to Seaside. Boy is there gridlock on 30A. Everyone was hungry but no one wanted to decide where to go. Ceil didn’t want to go to Pizza by the Sea, a place we’d been to several times before. Instead we stopped at The Hub and ate at Mile Marker Five, a burger joint. Decent food but the place was full of young families. We could’ve had a nice quiet dinner at Outback. Traffic wasn’t quite as bad on the way home. Of course we stopped by Publix on the way home.

Thursday: long day on the beach. Anna and I went out to the beach around 10:30 am. Ceil went to Silver Sands and brought back Chipotle for M and Anna. M came out to read. He seems intent on getting a sunburn. Anna went in around three, Matthew at four, and Ceil and I got back at five.
Thursday night we got back from Bonefish in time to see the fireworks in the bay.

I read 150 pages of 56, a book about DiMaggio’s streak. Lots of info about the Yankees. Rizzuto was a rookie that year who looked up to Joe. Lou Gehrig died that year. Lots on Joe and his wife at the time, the actress Dorothy. Lots on his family back in San Francisco. His parents weren’t citizens, and FDR was facing war with Italy and Germany. Ballplayers like Hank Greenberg were being called into the service.
I remember cutting my arm on my beloved Tonka truck when I was five, then having to watch while they stitched it up.

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