Monday, September 22, 2008

Fun Facts

1. Alaska spelled backwards is almost Alaska.
2. In the pilot of the 1960s TV show, The Monkees were actually played by four chimpanzees.
3. When spoons were invented, they came with an instructional book.
4. The first object ever photographed was the tip of an index finger.
5. Due to inflation it now takes three to tango.
6. Not only does the planet Saturn have seven rings,
it also has three piercings and a lower-back tattoo.
7. Whipped cream is really shaving cream with sugar.
8. Nostradamus correctly predicted the 2003 N
ASCAR champion.
9. The average office chair rolls 39.5 miles each year.
Al Gore owns the world's largest gravy boat.

NOTE: Copied from And my spellcheck auto-corrected Nascar to NASCAR.

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