Monday, October 14, 2024

Diversity AND Inclusivity?

I am an old fart, and perhaps the world is passing me by. Lots of things going on that just don’t make sense to me. You could say I am a knucklehead. Don't know how to fire a shotgun. If you read my blog, you probably already knew this about me.

Large corporations like mine are seeking to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace. I’m fine with uniting people with shared interests, identities, and backgrounds – but isn’t diversity kind of the opposite of inclusiveness? A group of a certain race or life experience isn’t diverse, its homogenous. To have a diverse group of employees you’d want to include people of different races, religions, and life experiences. In my experience, in general people tend to naturally group off by skin color or religion or life experience – and that’s okay in my book. But if you want a diverse world of people living and working all together in harmony, at some point all these people of various races and creeds and life experience are going to have to leave their individual groups and mix in all together and work toward a common goal, be it peace or profit or whatever. Isn’t that right?

What am I missing? Is it wrong for a company or organization or government or airline or manufacturer to want to hire the best most qualified individuals regardless of race, creed, or color? 

I challenge you to read this in-depth look at critical race theory.

Matthew had just returned from his guys’ trip on Monday. They had flown into Philadelphia and also spent time in Delaware, New Jersey, NYC, and Brooklyn. It was his first trip up to the northeast. He and a buddy golfed at his dad’s country club in Delaware. His friend’s parents live near Joe Biden. They said they saw Bryce Harper when they were getting cheesesteaks in Phlly.

Wednesday: we ate leftovers and had a peaceful evening. We had already retired to Lennie's garage apartment by the time Anna and Matthew arrived to spend the night at Ceil's parents house.

Thursday: worked all morning. Anna's cousins came to visit. 

LEFTY GROVE [SABR Bio] has the highest lifetime WAR of any left-handed pitcher: 106.8 which is 26th overall among all players. Randy Johnson at 101.1 is the next highest lefty pitcher. No one won more season ERA titles than Grove, who won AL ERA crowns for PHA in 1926 (2.51), 1929 (2.81), 1930 (2.54), 1931 (2.06), and 1932 (2.84). Also for Boston in 1935 (2.79), 1936 (2.81), 1938 (3.08), & 1939 (2.54). Grove won 31 games in 1931 for the A’s, which hasn’t been equaled by a left-handed thrower since then.

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