Wednesday, October 02, 2024

First Bite: Super Chix

Late Saturday morning I hustled over to the Avenue East Cobb for the grand opening of Super Chix. They were giving away free chicken sandwiches and fries to the first hundred customers. I was surprised to be one of the first twenty. I got the chicken cordon bleu sandwich and sugar seasoned fries. The chicken was hanging outside of the bun it was so big. Good stuff. Wrote a glowing on line review in an effort to win a $35 gift card.

Tuesday night the Braves played like a team who had played a Monday doubleheader, then flown cross country - with four all stars out and a 21 year old rookie making his 8th start. Atlanta hasn’t been able to score runs for weeks / months, so getting shut out by the Padres ace was no surprise. Pretty much what I expected. Hopefully Max can pitch another complete game shutout, and hoped his offense could plate at least one run.

One of the CBS debate moderators actually asked Tim Walz a tough question, and asked a second time after Walz tried to dodge the question the first time by talking about growing up in a small town and riding his bike. No word if he grew up in a middle class neighborhood with nice lawns, or worked at McDonalds. I’ve never been to China once. Haven’t been to the border, or Europe. I did work at Baskin Robbins and Chickfila. Does that count?

Now what were we talking about? The House Oversight Committee is subpoenaing the Dept of Homeland Security for records related to Tim Walz’s ties with the Chinese Communist Party…Walz has expressed a positive view of socialism / communism numerous times. And this guy wants to be my latex salesman?

Article: The dumbing down of America?

Again: sorry to get political, but all this crap greatly concerns me. How about you?

LAST THURSDAY: stayed at my computer doing stuff past 730, taking a break for supper (pot roast). Tried to do a bunch of stuff in case the power went out.

FRIDAY: our power went out while I was in the shower – but only for 60 seconds. Mid morning we got a notice from Fulton County that the threats were over. Still it was more windy than usual. Trees were down in some places, and some will have the danger of flooding. Our creek is up pretty high, but I’ve seen worse. Still had a couple of feet short of spilling over the  far bank.

We had slept downstairs on the couch. It was after 7 am when C woke me up. My office didn’t close, though me and my two teammates and the tubing lady so sits with us all worked from home. Also the entire purchasing department and a couple of other ladies.  I’m usually in the office all 5 days a week. One coworker only comes in 3 days a week. Our customer was closed. Friday night we ate at Moxie Burger. 

Up early Saturday to golf. The course was surprisingly dry.

The hurricane had sucked all the moisture out of the air, so there was no dew.

Home in time for our 9 am Zoom call with our friends who live in the Far East. With rain in the forecast, I raked the yard Saturday afternoon. Turned out to be a 13000 step, six mile day. 

Sunday School and worship. Afterward I cleaned some upstairs and did some laundry, but spent most of the day watching football. Pancakes for supper.

Monday: up early to go to the gym. Could’ve gone to game two if I had really wanted. Drove north to the Big Chicken and stopped by two thrift stores. Bought Shivonne a Ronald Acuna t-shirt, a cool shirt for Will, and me a nice pair of pants. Ceil fixed baked chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes for supper. Watched the season one finale of Death in Paradise.

MICKEY VERNON [SABR Bio] led the league, hitting higher than .350, and led the majors in doubles and only received one first-place MVP vote. Vernon hit 52 doubles & .353 BA that landed him 5th in the MVP vote. In fairness, his WAR of 5.7 that season only ranked him eighth. In 1953, Vernon hit .337171 for WSH, beating former teammate Al Rosen 0.335559, preventing Rosen from winning the triple crown. Vernon was the last pre-expansion Washington National to hit for the cycle, on 19-May-1946(2) for WSH, helping them down CHW 7-1.

Matthew 5:5-12

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when others revile you

and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account.

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven,

for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

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