Lots of green at work today. Josh, the young redhead, was goaded into wearing a leprechaun costume, and he did not disappoint. Rachel and Lauren went all out as well. I wore Pumas with green in them. Started on the treadmill but the sneakers weren’t feeling great, so I lifted weights and stretched instead.
DENISON: today is St. Patrick’s Day, the holiday commemorating of the patron saint of Ireland. He was enslaved at 16, came to faith in Christ, and escaped to return home at 22. God called him to go back to his Irish captors as a missionary. He established 200 churches in Ireland, and led more than 100,000 to Christ. Despite numerous attempts on his life, Patrick saw the Irish not as his enemies but as people in need of God’s grace.
Typical busy busy weekend. Left work Friday at 3 pm. Picked ip M’s truck at the shop and drove it home. Guy picking up the furniture never showed, on Friday or Saturday. M didn’t arrive until 6:30 to get his truck. He got me back to my car in Roswell by 7 – too late for me to make it to Taqueria for sup with the fam.
Up early to golf on Saturday. Teed off at 720. By the time I finished the first hole there was a guy teeing off behind me, so I didn’t hit was many balls the rest of the way – though I did hit two several times. Played halfway decent. Finished at 830.
Met three buds for lunch at Moxie Burger. Spent the rest of the day cleaning up around the house. Ceil fixed Mexican for supper.
In Sunday School morning we discussed JFBC’s 40 days of prayer and fasting, regarding future plans for the church. This will culminate on Easter weekend, with those who are able are encouraged to fast the last 48 hours.
After church I walked across the street to try on a pair of sneakers I was undecided about, with an odd rocker sole. Then I headed south on Johnsons Ferry, but an accident at the river blocked by progress. I circled back and grabbed a chicken sandwich at McDonalds, then west on Lower Roswell to RaceTrac, then south on 75 and east on 285 to REI at Perimeter. It was busy with a sale, and I wasn’t able to find the shoes I was looking for. I think all these roadblocks were God’s way of saying don’t get the shoes: Oofos Oomy Strides.
Didn’t get home until 2 pm. Fixed lunch and worked until 530, then cut the grass and cleared the driveway. Didn’t finish until after 7 pm. Ceil got less rest than me – she was gone to a luncheon from 130 to six. Then today she had stay late at W&MC's.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” – Ludwig Wittgenstein (1922).
UFO whistleblowers claim aliens are already here on Earth.
Jack Nicklaus’ Mount Rushmore of golfers: Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Tiger Woods, and himself.
Tiger Woods is dating the mother of one of his son Charlie’s classmates – the former daughter in law of the President. Her daughter is a top ranked junior golfer.
WALLY POST [SABR Bio] threw out base runners Warren Spahn and Hank Aaron from right field in the same game, on 11-Aug-1956: Spahn in the 2nd inning01 and Aaron in the 7th. Post hit the Budweiser sign on top of the Busch Stadium scoreboard with a line drive that traveled 600 feet, on 14-Apr-1961. He hit the first home run at Dodger Stadium, on 10-Apr-1962.
Players with a 40+ HR season but was not an All-Star that year. Only Gallo was an All-Star in any other season.
Name Year HR WAR
Chris Carter..........2016....41.... 2.6
Khris Davis...........2016....42....10.8
Khris Davis...........2017....43
Khris rDavis..........2018....48
Joey Gallo............2017....41....15.4
Joey Gallo............2018....40
Travis Hafner.......2006....42....24.8
Richard Hidalgo...2000....44......9.2
Wally Post............1955....40....18.1
Mark Reynolds.... 2009...44......6.8
Hal Trosky............1936...42....29.8
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