Tuesday, March 11, 2025

WNBA Insider

The WNBA is a money loser for the NBA, yet some of the more higher salaried players think they should strike for higher pay. Meanwhile, Caitlin Clark was a guest on Eli Manning’s YouTube Channel show. Eli beat her at Pop-A-Shot. They also played putt putt.

In my old age I just don’t watch as much sports as I used to. Just football and golf. Hard to find a Braves telecast on my TV. Same with the Hawks. Don’t tell Lang, but March is when I finally START watching basketball (though I do keep up with the Grizzlies, Hawks, and GT). I was just browsing Poshmark and eBay for Hawks gear. I am a proud member of the Hawks Fan Council. Need to put that on my resume.

I just applied to work this summer at the MLB All Star Game FanFest, a 4 day event July 12-15th. I think it will be at the Cobb Galleria, across 285 from the Braves stadium. They need 350 people. Not sure how many will apply. Includes the MLB Draft at the Roxy Theatre in The Battery, as well as section where former players (legends) make appearances. Round two of the hiring process is in May, but I may not know until June whether I make the cut.

While C is watching her Hallmark movies, I am usually on my laptop or phone. Every day I receive well over 100+ junk emails in my personal email. I try to keep the box clean, but recently fell behind. Gotta check in case I win a sweepstakes.

C may start swimming and cycling. We played pool in college, at the GT BSU. I was partial to bumper pool, RISK, and backgammon. Ever heard of “table shuffleboard” ? I played it once while on a business trip. Look it up. Very fun.

You ought to try the Frappuccino at McDonalds. Like the Arbys coffee milkshake, but better. Expensive. I would wait and use points to get one. I’ve started back drinking protein shakes. I am one of those people who can eat the same thing every time (lemon chicken enchiladas). But those chicken tacos were really tasty. Might have to order those next time.

Christmases and other holidays weren’t huge deals in our family. I remember on a youth retreat we were asked what was a big family time. I went first and said when we went to Falcons football games, because we’d have a tailgate before going into the stadium. Then everyone else said Christmas. Then when I married Ceil, Christmas and Thanksgiving was a huge deal, with her cousins and aunts and uncles. Then when we all had kids, those holidays got even bigger. We’d have 30 people all together. Enough kids to sing the 12 Days of Christmas, and play a football game.

Yesterday I worked until 6 pm. Ceil stayed at with the girls until Will got home from work. She didn’t get home until like 845. I got home and ate leftovers for supper, then crashed on the couch. I hadn’t gotten much rest over the weekend.

Left work at 4 pm today for a focus group on cookies.

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