Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The WNBA is a Many Splendored Thing

Watch the WNBA draft? I watched the first 30 minutes. Saw where Iowa’s Kate Martin was drafted by Vegas, so she got to come out of the audience of onlookers to hug the commissioner. I liked how hard she played. A good ballhandler, she dribbled in and around the SC defense, penetrating then when she didn’t have a shot or pass just dribbled right back outside again. Made some good passes. She also has a good fadeaway shot you don’t see much of.  I had read an article saying that if she wasn’t drafted she could play overseas or go right into coaching.

A good thing about social media platforms like Instagram is that you can look up people and get a little additional info about what kind of person they are. But lots of times getting to know someone better isn’t a good thing, when you find out more about what they’re really all about.

My tweet received a large response for me, with almost 6000 views - and was listed among the "top" tweets about the draft. Didn’t realize that Taurasi’s team finished last season in last place, even with Brittany Griner as a teammate.

Looked up the Atlanta Dream schedule. Indiana visits twice, in mid June and late August. Individual tickets go on sale late next week, so I set myself a reminder. The Atlanta Dream plays in such a small arena that seeing Indiana will be a tough ticket. At least one WNBA team is moving their game against Indiana to a larger arena. Maybe the Dream will do that.

C used to games with me, but hardly does any more. But now in the past few months she’s been watching college and pro football, women’s basketball (and a little of the men’s). Also baseball even when its not the Braves. And of course golf she will watch.

Have you seen the AT&T commercial where Rose Zhang is bouncing a golf ball on her club while looking at her phone? It’s Shivonne’s favorite commercial.

Braves win again, beating the Astros on Jackie Robinson Day. Ernie Johnson Sr told the story of his at bat against the Dodgers, a rare occurrence for the weak-hitting relief pitcher. As he stepped into the box Ernie heard Jackie chirp “Watch out – good hitter!” Ernie looked at Robinson, who had a huge smile on his face.

At JFBC not sure about the traditional service, but in the gym most Sundays at the end of the service Clay will finish with an invitation, mentioning that counselors are available to discuss spiritual decisions with worshippers. Every now and then he offers worshippers the opportunity to come up front to pray. He did this just a few Sundays ago, as I recall. Church membership is a separate thing. There is a one time class to attend, and a form to fill out asking about your walk with God and what spiritual gifts you think you may have, where you’d like to serve. Every new member is strongly encouraged to serve and give. We attended the new members class several years ago. I filled out the form in less than 30 minutes. Non church members can go on mission trips, but for members JFBC will pay half the cost out of their missions budget.

Monday: worked past six. Fixed quesadillas for supper.

ROBERTO CLEMENTE   [SABR Bio] is the only player in baseball history to hit an inside-the-park, walk-off grand slam, on 25-Jul-1956. Read the story here. In the 1960s, he accumulated more hits than any other major leaguer: 1,877. He had a hit in every World Series game he played in [14]. He played in the 1960 & the 1971 WS. Both lasted 7 games. PIT won both Series.

DENISON: April is Stress Awareness Month: (1) Americans are sleeping less and more stressed, (2) 70% of American adults are stressed about money, (3) the American Psychological Association lists the COVID-19 pandemic, global conflicts, inflation, racism and racial injustice, and climate-related disasters as contributing to our “collective trauma”. Stress is so prevalent that Bloomberg calls it “the great unifying force in America right now.” An agnostic writing for the Atlantic identified the decline of faith in America as a major reason for our lack of community and its damaging effects. Derek Thompson points to studies indicating that religiously unaffiliated Americans are less likely to volunteer, less likely to feel satisfied with their community and social life, and more likely to say they feel lonely - writing: “I wonder if, in forgoing organized religion, an isolated country has discarded an old and proven source of ritual at a time when we need it most.” Gallup’s recent Global Flourishing study reveals a clear connection between human flourishing and religious service attendance. Numerous other studies show the benefits of religious practice for mental health, marital stability and happiness, lowered crime rates, and physical health.


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