Friday, April 05, 2024


Last Saturday: skipped golf. Worked around the house all day: first upstairs, then the living and dining room, then the den and kitchen, then laundry and the garage. After running errands I mowed the lawn and blew away all the pollen, then washed both cars. 12000 steps. I was exhausted. Then I had to take a bunch of stuff upstairs, and fold clothes. House looks better than it has in like 30 years, probably ever.

Easter Sunday: after worship we had everyone over for lunch. A fun family time. After everyone left we collapsed on the couch. I took a long nap from 530-815, so I missed the Duke loss.

Rough Monday at work. Having to cover for people on vacation, people working from home, people choosing to not respond to emails. People not completing orders. A computer system that works well for management to get reports, but not the workers trying to service customers. Another frustrated employee quit.

Ever since Clemson played in the elite eight, Ceil finally got interested in the tourney. I watched the first half of Iowa / Colorado, but had to get out and run errands. Should've figured out when LSU was playing, but missed it.

Batters whose lone hit defined each of Nolan Ryan's American League onehitters. He had three more in the NL, tying Bob Feller's MLB mark.

Yastrzemski...09-Jul-1972 1st inning 1 out single

Jackson..........13-Jul-1979 9th inning 1 out single

Munson..........29-Aug-1973 1st inning 1 out single

Reynolds........03-Jun-1989 1st inning 0 out single

Johnson.........27-Jun-1974 1st inning 2 out single

Kittle...............26-Apr-1990 2nd inning 0 out single

Stinson...........15-Apr-1977 5th inning 1 out single

Kuiper.............05-May-1978 6th inning 0 out single

Liriano............23-Apr-1989 9th inning 1 out triple  

DENISON: the historical evidence for the resurrection is remarkably strong (see my article, "Why Jesus?"). We know from ancient non-biblical records that:

  • Jesus of Nazareth was a real person of history.
  • He was crucified by Pontius Pilate.
  • His first followers believed he was raised from the dead.
  • They worshiped him as God.

We can point to the empirical evidence of the empty tomb. No other explanation makes sense:

  • If the disciples stole the body, how did they overpower the Roman guards, convince 500 people he was alive (1 Cor 15:6), make his body appear through locked doors (John 20:19), cook a meal for the disciples (John 21:9–12), then cause his body to ascend to heaven (Acts 1:9)? Would they then all die for a lie, some in gruesome ways? Would you?
  • If the authorities stole the body, wouldn't they produce it when the disciples began preaching the resurrection?
  • If the women went to the wrong tomb, wouldn't the authorities and Joseph of Arimathea, who owned the correct tomb, correct the error?
  • If Jesus didn't really die on the cross, how did he survive a spear thrust that ruptured the pericardial sac of his heart (John 19:34), survive an airtight mummified shroud, overpower the guards in his emaciated condition, make his way through locked doors, and ascend into heaven?

A postmodern relativist is likely to dismiss all of this with the reply, "that's just your truth." We are objectivists with nearly every dimension of reality, from the laws of physics to laws against murder, theft, and the like. But when we confront reality that clashes with our preferences, we retreat to the shelter of subjectivism, claiming that "all truth is relative" (which itself is an objective truth claim).

Transgender Day of Visibility promoted on Easter Sunday (

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