Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Black Balsam Knob, NC

Will and Shivonne recently went camping with Charles Norman and his son Peter. Peter is a carbon copy of Charles at that age. They camped on Black Balsam Knob, just southwest of Asheville.

Forty years ago it was me and Steve Norman going on some epic hikes just east of there, south of Ridgecrest. That's when Steve came across a hive and came running back, shouting "Bees! Bees!" Then 25 years ago Steve and I took Will, Charles, and the other Norman boys hiking northeast of there. Good times. Young Will had a hard time keeping up, missed a turn, and almost got lost in the fading sunlight. Some trails were blazed, but Steve often took the road less traveled…bizarre treks through pastures, hills, and mountains, following and fording creeks. Not sure if the land was public or private. Always an adventure with Norman.

Pretty sure Steve's birthday is this month. Fittingly, this weekend Ceil met up with Becky for brunch at Bellwood Coffee. David was the only other Norman in attendance.

Clay Smith JFBC
Knockoff sermon series. Don't settle for less

Matthew 28:16-18 the last recorded words of Jesus. Happens between the resurrection and Jesus' ascension. 500 saw Jesus during this time.

You were made for more, to multiply disciples. The fruit of an apple tree is more apple trees.

Jesus told his disciples to meet him on the mountain in Galilee. V 17 when the disciples came, some worshipped him, but others first doubted him. Doubt means to hesitate.

Jesus says in v 18 all authority had been given to me, both in heaven and on earth. Daniel 7 prophesies this. Authority over even Satan.

Jesus delegates this authority to his disciples…and us. He calls on us to disciple the nations. A disciple is a learner. We are to grow to become more like Jesus.

A transitive verbs don't make sense unless they have a direct object, in this case " the nations". Jesus gave us 3 final commands…

1. To go. v 18 Most of these guys have only been 20 miles from where they were born. Jesus will never send us to a nation that he doesn't have authority over. Begins with prayer. Pray over your neighborhood, etc.

2. To baptizeto publicly identify with Jesus. Doesn't save you, but shows the world that you are being obedient to God. Like a wedding ring. In baptism we unite to the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, who dwells in us.

3. To teach - teaching them to obey, to follow, to mature and grow closer to Christ, to present as many as possible as mature in Christ. Clay says that is his job.

Satan knows the 50 commands that Jesus gave us, but keeps none. We want to help others grow and mature closer to Jesus.

Matt 4:19: follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

V 20 Jesus says I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

John 16 "it is to your advantage that I go away. I will send you my spirit"

The 5 ways of Jesus
1. Multiplication
2. Generosity
3. Service
4. Community
5. Worship

Next steps
1. Be around people who don't know Jesus. Not easy, but that's the only way
2. Prayer walk through your neighborhood. Do you know your neighbors names? Pray for a burden, opportunity and boldness.
3. Start a small group that meets somewhere other than the church.

All this needs to be our burden. Clay hasn't received any complaints about not sharing the gospel enough.

Ten on stage during worship: 5 singing, 5 guitars, drums, piano. The Beatles managed with four guys.

21 in Sunday School, including 8 or 9 originally from other countries.

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