Friday, September 20, 2024

First Bite: City BBQ

Tuesday afternoon I cashed in another Taco Bell dollar taco deal. The bad thing is there’s no way on their app to request a particular pickup time.

Then I continued on Spaulding all the way to Roswell Road to cash in my 25 cent sandwich deal at City BBQ. On the way I downloaded the City BBQ app, just to make the ordering process easier. But that gave me an additional $5 off my first order, and the cashier finagled it so I got the BBQ sandwich, fries, and drink for a dollar. Good deal. I ate there at the restaurant. The various side dishes looked enticing, but $4 only bought you a small cup, so the fries was probably the best choice.  

Just outside the restaurant, police and an ambulance attended to a bad two car smashup in the left turn lane of northbound Roswell Road, preventing traffic from turning left onto westbound Abernathy Road, and backing up traffic trickling out of the shopping center. Instead I pulled out and headed east on Abernathy, then made a U turn back westward to East Cobb.

Crashed on the couch for the first time in a week. Ceil was at a dinner at her friend Nancy’s house. I watched the 1988 Lewis Grizzard episode of Designing Women. The former AJC sportswriter and columnist dominated the show. Then I caught up on the two newest episodes of Only Murders In the Building.

Wednesday: up early to lift weights at the gym. For the record, I counted 25 people working out.

Ceil and I both had our small groups Wednesday night. My leader Dan is just back from a days long hike to summit Mt Whitney, with our Sunday School teacher Brian. Whitney is the tallest US peak outside of Alaska, in southeastern California, south of Yosemite, west of Vegas. Dan shared some amazing stories from the trip.

Jeff Yearwood pastors FBC in Concord GA. He once said that he only preaches from Matthew. Mark, Luke, or John. He says there’s nothing wrong with the rest of the Bible, but that people don’t get enough of the gospels.  Last year the small groups in our Sunday School class that meet during the week studied Romans from early September to mid May. This year we are studying the book of Luke.

Last night our leader Dan had an object lesson for Luke 2:1 – he keeps an antique coin on his desk that dates back to the time of Christ’s birth, with the image of Caesar Augustus on it. This reminds Dan of how God can use earthly government rulers for His own purposes. A good reminder as we approach Election Day…regardless of who wins, God is in control.

A Cardinals fan was forced to throw away her MAGA cap before she was allowed entrance to the stadium. MAGA = “make America great again”. Is that offensive?  It’s the hat that Donald Trump wears. QUESTION: was it right that the usher refused to let her in to the football game wearing that cap? These days people wear caps out in public with cuss words and obscene symbols without any objections. Speaking of, explosives were just found at the site of tonight’s Trump campaign event in New York.

Are five teams of assassins hunting Trump? Three foreign, two domestic, according to a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower. One branch of the US government is literally waging war against another. This just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

A liberal group thinks one of the Presidential candidates is just pretending to take certain sides on issues in the campaign.

BREAKING NEWS: Tech is gonna lose to Louisville. No way they can win wearing blue pants. Jackets are 3-0 wearing white pants and 0-1 not wearing white pants. Seems like they’d have someone there to keep track of such things. Must I do everything ???!!!

Finished the week with “only“ 24 emails in my In Box, the lowest in a few weeks. Friday was a quiet day at work, but I still have like 8 big projects to do. With no overtime, I keep falling further and further behind.

The guys in the plant get all the cool toys.

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