Friday, October 19, 2012

Right Eye Dominant

They talk about people having a dominant eye. I think my right is dominant. At work they’ve given everyone a second computer screen, so we’ll be more efficient. They are nice any wide. Right now only my left screen works, and everything is way over on the left hand side of the screen. It’s tough to get used to…that’s why I think my right eye is dominant.

When I set up the two monitors I moved my phone way over to the left, so I had to move my paper holder over to the right. It’s out of the way, but I’m not used to reaching across to get the papers I need several times during the day. We’ll see. Almost all my wires are hidden, so my desk is pretty clean. Coworker out Wednesday through Friday, so it will be a busy week. Yesterday and today I had conference calls, plus a meeting Monday and this morning. And they want us to cut out overtime.

Thursday I “ran” again after work, which is good. Worked around the house when I got home. We had orange chicken and stir fry for dinner. Thursday nights C and A watch “Project Runway” so I caught up on other things.

Right around suppertime Anna learned a friend from Jefferson SC was thrown from the back of a Jeep and suffered serious injuries. Now 16, the boy would always participate in the big football games on Thanksgiving and Christmas. He had to be airlifted to the hospital in Charlotte. Anna’s cousins went to visit. He was pretty banged up, and may be in the hospital for a while.

Nothing on tap for the weekend, that I know about. Laundry and college football. I haven’t gotten into the baseball playoffs. Loved how Bradley and his commenters trashed the Yankees yesterday, and the back and forth DOB is having with his tweeters. Not many compelling football games, though I will watch Tech. Thinking about reading the Bill O’Reilley books on Lincoln and Kennedy. Also starting one by Stephen King, about being a Red Sox fan. “Faithful” is ok so far. His co-author wrote most of it, but it’s interesting to hear King read his part of the book.   
Stopped by Target on the way home Tuesday, to get my glasses fixed. No charge. Ceil fixed a chicken casserole on Monday and chili on Tuesday. Later I went to get Anna from her art class. We listened to the debate on the car radio, but when we got home I went to bed. I think Will listened to one of the debates at some political gathering.

Dr Pepper has a low calorie drink, in a grey can. Its ok. The commercials are aimed at men.

I’m not exactly reeling in the dough on eBay quite yet, though I am making at least double or triple what I paid (or more). At least I’m cleaning out my closets in an interesting way. I need to sell more…I have a bunch to go. I have some ticket stubs tucked away somewhere.

Ceil’s mother gave the youngest four grandchildren iPads. Anna and Matthew love theirs. Will was given an Apple laptop when he graduated. She wants to help Will buy another car. They looked at a 2006 Taurus that appeared to be in decent shape, but C and W weren’t convinced. Right now he’s doing fine without a car.

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