Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Odd or Even?

Roman Gabriel wore number 18 with the Rams, then was given number 5 when he was traded to the Eagles. Today I learned that he switched back to 18 in 1976 for the last two years of his career. Back during gas rationing Gabriel didn’t know how to answer when asked “odd or even?”. Since he wore number 5 at the time, he replied “odd” – and got his gas.

Friday: worked until 6 pm. Homemade lasagna for supper. Leftovers all weekend.

Rain washed out my round of golf on Saturday morning. Housework instead. Vacuumed out Ceil’s car.

28 in Sunday School. 20+ more baptisms in the worship services, including one teen so visibly excited to be baptized. Then Clay called the high school seniors and their parents to the front for a prayer of dedication. Over 100 people crammed the front.

Sunday afternoon I pulled my summer shorts out of the attic. Packed up my sweaters, and swapped out the winter hanging clothes for summer. Made up golf bags and clubs for Matthew and Anna. Took Ceil’s car to gas up the tank.

Winner by a nose in NASCAR and the Kentucky Derby.

Watched a little of the Tom Brady Roast on Netflix. Man have times changed. Locker room “humor” on steroids. Still, refreshing that such jokes can be told in our age of everyone getting offended. Still some took offense. Brady took a verbal beating, and only took offense when elderly Patriots owner Robert Kraft was verbally attacked. Lots of jokes at Gronk’s expense – and Bill Belichik. Brady fired back: “who doesn’t remember where they were in September 2001, when those two Jets struck Drew Bledsoe”.

Dodgers swept the Braves. What is to be expected from the best team money can buy (with an unlimited payroll). Braves were missing three All Stars. Hoping for a better outcome this October.

Monday: back to the gym. Treadmill.

Seinfeld on SNL to promote the Pop-Tart movie. Jerry's hair looks like episode with the low pressure shower nozels. 


Seinfeld’s favorite things. Seems kinda contrived. Glad his friends give him grief about the outdated Nike Shox that he wears.


Jerry expounds on Jason Alexander’s great performance delivering the hastily written golf ball speech – while on the Rich Eisen Show, of all places.


ANDRE DAWSON   [SABR Bio] stayed and starred on the team that drafted him for eleven seasons. Dawson played for Montreal from 1976-86; the Cubs 1987-92; Boston 1993-94; & Florida 1995-96. NL MVP in 1987. In spite of being Rookie of the year, MVP, eight times an All-Star, eight times a Gold Glove winner, four times a Silver Slugger, and a Home Run Derby winner, he was not elected to the Hall of Fame until his 9th year on the ballot, in 2010. He received 77.1% of votes after not having the 75% required each year 2002-2009, with percentages ranging from 45.3% in 2002 to 67.0% in 2009. He once received five intentional walks in a 16-inning game on 22-May-1990. Reds manager Lou Piniella chose to put Dawson on 5 times. Neither Ted Williams nor Barry Bonds nor anyone else ever received that many. Excellent write-up here.

The Boy Scouts are changing their name, to “Scouting America”. The Boy Scouts have accepted female participants for five years, with over 176000 currently enrolled – including over 6000 Eagle Scouts. No truth to the rumor the change was an attempt to increase popcorn sales.


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