Sunday, May 05, 2024

Sermon Notes; Fighting Favoritism

A better way to love
James 2:1-13
Clay Smith JFBC
Our purpose as a church is to have a common unity. The world pushes against this, particularly today. There is no perfect church.

Book: Everyone is Normal Until You Get To Know Them.

The book of James is a huge punch in the gut.

Partiality. Also known as Favoritism: an unjust bias based on superficial appearance.

Lev 19 judge your neighbor favorably

I Tim 5:21 do nothing in a spirit of partiality

Acts 10:34-35

Two questions to ask yourself:

1. Do I see each person the way God sees them? V 4 or are you judges with evil motives? V 5

A challenge: convincing people who think they have everything that they need Jesus. Everyone is made in the image of God. Only humans, not animals, sunsets, etc.

We make distinctions between people in many ways: Christian vs non Christian, etc. but we shouldn't judge them.

2. Am I known for mercy or judgement? You shall love your neighbor as yourself. V 10-11 stumble in one area, you are guilty of all.

V 12 speak and act as the law of freedom - the story of God's salvation. So many think they don't need God. We see it over and over in Hollywood, and around us at work, etc . In Christ we are free from so many burdens of the world.

If you don't give mercy to others, have you ever received mercy from God? Is your life all about you, about appearance, etc. Having  God's freedom allows you to give mercy to others. The church should be a safe place to hear a dangerous message.

Gandhi went to a Christian church and was turned away. The usher said the church was only for Europeans.

Ways to prevent favoritism:

1. Examine your heart. Am I giving unfair treatment? Am I writing off a generation because they are different?

2. Walk across the room, to talk to the person standing there by themselves.

3. Fight for unity. A church doesn't drift toward unity - it drifts away from it. Support and encourage others. Love your neighbor.

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