Friday, January 31, 2025

Destination Weddings

Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon have a new movie out about two weddings booked for the same time and place, called “You’re Cordially Invited”. It was filmed in Reynolds Plantation on Lake Oconee, east of Atlanta.

Ben Affleck had bought an 87 acre estate on Hampton Island overlooking the North Newport River, just south of Savannah. Affleck married Jennifer Lopez there, and later sold the property for $8.7 million. Looks like an interesting place.

Man traffic was heavy in Roswell on the way home.

The Chapel Choir anthem used to sing the anthem “God Is My Refuge and Strength”, an old standby. We still sing it at choir reunions.

Ceil makes regular stops at Trader Joes. They used to have a buckwheat cereal that I liked, but no more. I need to stop by Kroger for a few of my regular items. I don’t buy as many groceries as I used to. We’re going into the weekend with plenty of leftovers in the fridge, so I will be fixing myself a quesadilia or three (hey, they're small!).

Popeyes is supposed to be good stuff. Speaking of eating out, by 5 pm yesterday C had changed her mind about eating out. She fixed a chicken stir fry from Trader Joes. Tonight she’s making pizza, but she didn’t rule out going to Roasters some time in the future.

I worked until 545. Third time this week we watched an episode of High Potential. Now we’re caught up, I think. Dragged out of bed early to lift weights at the gym this morning.

Got another 9 am Zoom call with sent ones tomorrow. Not sure if I will play golf beforehand or not.

MICKEY MANTLE [SABR Bio] broke Roger Connor’s decades-old record of 138 career home runs for a switch-hitter, on 29-May-1956. Mantle won the triple crown that year. Mantle still holds the record, with 536. As rookie in 1951, Mantle underperformed under high expectations and was sent down to the team’s AAA minor-league affiliate. He came back after 6 weeks and changed his uniform number from 6 for 7, which played at least a small part in restoring his confidence. The next season, he became the youngest to homer in a World Series game, in G #6. He is still the youngest AL batter, but Andruw Jones holds the record for the youngest NL WS HR.

Baseball historian John Thorn suggests that baseball’s Golden Age is whenever YOU were 12 years old. The “Golden Age” would have been 1973 for me, and that is about right. I was a huge Braves and Falcons fan. Knew the entire roster of players. Memorized game programs. Was playing Little League and Midget Football and Rec Basketball, though I wasn’t very good. Still love the teams and players and uniforms and cars from the late 60’s and early 70’s.

My actual Golden Age may have been 1983-1985, my single days hanging out with roommates, working at Sepco with the Suggs, hand the singles department with Don Head and David Hurt. Good times. Marsh was still pastor. I just wish I had traveled more, and gone to more ballgames, though I did go to a few. Another golden age was when the kids were young.  Hopefully our retirement years will be another golden age, and not biblical end times. Now they call the golden years “living your best life”

Question of the day: my favorite song about chocolate.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

My Best Friend's Wedding

Elsbeth actress Carrie Preston was also in one of my favorite movies “My Best Friend’s Wedding”. She says she hasn’t eaten crab or lobster ever since filming the “Say a Little Prayer” scene, having to smell fish for two long 12 hour days of filming under the hot lights. Preston is from Macon. She was just on the Kelly Clarkston show.

I can hear the trains roll past our plant. Though I sit in the office building on Peachtree Industrial we can actually see the trains zooming past out the back window. After eating at The Crossing in the old Norcross train depot last Thursday, then Saturday night at the Taqueria in Chamblee right next to the same tracks  - at Taqueria we sat out on the enclosed “deck” which was right next to the tracks, and around 8:30 pm a passenger train rumbled past. Made me think how those same tracks behind our plant run behind the Whitaker house as well.

On Tuesday Jimmy Ewing called Ceil and Mary Hurt to go with him to take Myra Marsh to view the different living spaces where Bob had been before he died. Myra is still living alone in the house where she and Bob had lived all these years. Ceil wants to take Myra to the missions conference at JFBC late next month. It runs late on a Friday night and is dark and crowded and its hard to hear – and there are lots of steps. Not the best place for Myra.

Worked until 610 pm last night then rushed home in time for small group via Zoom. Four in attendance. Finished before Ceil got home. More Mexican leftovers.

Up early to golf this morning. Bundled up and was almost sweating by the second hole. Played the first two holes then doubled back and played 8-1/2 holes with the professor. His wife works for the CDC, and has to either return to the office to work or retire with 8 months pay. I hadn’t played golf since late December due to the cold. Played lightup balls for the first 6 holes, then regular balls the last five. Didn’t lose a single ball, and found 2 or 3 along the way. Some highlights:

1. Decent tee shot and fairway shot.

2. Decent tee shot. Hit the green on my chip.

3. Not a great tee shot but it did roll down the hill.

4. Good tee shot that would’ve gone further had it not been a lighted ball. Great chip close to the hole, but I missed the par putt.

5. Okay tee shot. Didn’t go as far as I would’ve liked, but at least it was relatively straight.

6. Same as the previous hole. Flubbed a couple of fairway shots before hitting a great 9 iron onto the green.

7. Okay 3 iron out of the rough. Good 6 iron but it didn’t go that far.

8. Hit my driver straight but low. I had teed it up too low. Good roll.

9. Hit a good straight hybrid off the tee. Hard to get it up the hill. Pulled the chip left, but it hit a stick and bounced toward the hole. Missed the bogey putt.

GEORGE BRETT  [SABR Bio] was the first post-expansion player to collect more RBI than the number of games he played that season. In 117 games in 1980, Brett drove in 118. Brett is one of five players with 3000 hits, 300 home runs, and a career .300 batting average. The 5 players with those stats are Aaron, Mays, Musial, Miguel Cabrera, and Brett. George’s election to the Hall in 1999 was by 98.2%. He was named on 488 of a possible 497 ballots.

3771 755 305 Aaron

3630 475 331 Musial

3293 660 301 Mays

3174 511 306 Cabrera

3154 317 305 Brett

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Braves Announce Giveaways

The Braves announced their 2025 promotional schedule, with at least 9 bobbleheads, three figurines, several t-shirts, a ring, and a jersey – yet collectors are still disappointed. Not sure what they were expecting. Nothing really that I’ll be going for, though Will might want a Spencer Strider jersey.

Bobbleheads include a Chipper, Sale, Hello Kitty, Acuna, Iglesias, Ozuna, women’s baseball, HBCU trumpeter, Lopez, Star Wars, baseball bank, two different caps, tote bags, jerseys, 15000 golden rings, and a partridge in a pear tree. Not sure if I’ll compile my monthly lists this year, though I’ve started one. 

The Babylon Bee has been speaking directly to me lately. Kinda convicting. Did I say that?

Always seems like people get sick more in the winter time. Goodness. Take your vitamins!

Not sure when we will go to SC. Ceil has a baby shower this coming weekend. Super Bowl is the weekend after that. Then Valentines the weekend after that. C wants to go to Kimball House sometime. In March we have a wedding one weekend, Ceil’s going out of town another weekend, and also a big birthday party in March that I’m hoping to wrangle an invitation to.

Ceil wants to fix up the house. Master bath needs a redo. We had torn out our deck but still need to replace it. Need a new floor upstairs and in the kitchen, and on the stairs. Sounds like Ceil wants to keep her art studio in the downstairs bedroom, so my office will be in a small upstairs bedroom. Only has one small window. Only enough room for a desk and maybe one bookcase. The bed that’s in there now will have to go. We’ve fixed up a nice guest bedroom. Ceil wants to entertain guests.

Supplements to take…

…Vitamin C decreases inflammation

…Magnesium gives energy

…Fish Oil helps joints, blood pressure, brain function, reduces cancer risk.

…Berberine for gut health, controls blood sugar.

…Vitamin D3 reduces cancer risk, induces healing, for immune system.

…Vitamin K helps cognition, bone density, heart health

…Multi Vitamin for overall health

…Creatine / protein supplements for strength & brain function

Eat whole foods, not processed: chicken turkey bison fish eggs proteins fruits vegetables nuts gluten free dairy free (yogurt is okay). Intermittent fasting. Sleep 7-9 hours nightly in a dark cold room. Take a 30 second cold shower daily. Red light therapy. Use a 175+ degree sauna for 15-20 minutes between 2 & 7 days per week. Weight training 2-4 times per week, cardio 2-4 times per week.

Video: bad exercises for people over 40.

Tuesday: left work at 530 again. Ceil cooked black beans, and we had the Mexican leftovers from Monday night. Watched Jeopardy and another episode of High Potential, then a rerun of the Tonight Show.

Got up early this morning and bundled up to go play golf, but there was frost on my car so I didn’t go. Wasn’t dressed for the gym. Should’ve crawled back in bed but instead left for work early. Was going to stop by Kroger but it wasn’t open yet. Stopped by RaceTrac and also Wendys for BOGO biscuits.

Lunch meeting at work today, catered by Willies. The sales theme for 2025 is from a Johnny Cash song: “We Walk the Line”.

Small group tonight, via Zoom.

CLAYTON KERSHAW [B-R Bio] is the only Los Angeles Dodger to win three Cy Young Awards, in 2011, 2013, 2014. His 2014 season is here. He was awarded league MVP and led the majors in WAR, W/L%, ERA, ERA+, Complete Games, Strikeouts per 9 innings, FIP, and WHIP. MVP vote. He was the first major league pitcher to lead the majors in ERA in four consecutive years: from 2011-2014 with 2.28, 2.53, 1.83, and 1.77.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Super Bowl: Who You Picking?

Fun fact: as the visiting team, the Chiefs will be wearing white jerseys in the Super Bowl. They’ll most probably be wearing red pants and white socks. The three previous times they wore this combo against the Eagles, the Chiefs won the game – including the Super Bowl two years ago. So now you know who to pick.

Plus the Chiefs are Caitlin Clark’s team, so there’s that. Still waiting to hear that Angel Reese is hangin with the Eagles, just to be contrary.

Left work yesterday at 530. Ceil cooked Mexican for supper. Reid can eat two enchiladas at Taqueria – I have only been ordering one. Of course last night I did fix myself two quesadillas. Also two for lunch on both Saturday and Sunday.

Watched the crime detective show High Potential, with guest star Steve Guttenberg. Last night I also watched just a little part of the musical acts that have been on Saturday Night Live over the past 50 years. Some legendary acts, starting with Billy Preston in the first show. The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, REM, the Strokes, the Band, and on and on. Info about musical skits like the Blues Brothers. I recorded it but doubt I will ever watch the rest. Maybe this Sunday afternoon when Ceil is away.

Up early to work out at the gym this morning. Work wasn’t too busy yesterday but heating back up today. Plenty to do. Hard to think of everything. The stress makes me want to eat.

Low tonight of 39 degrees. Expecting a cloudless morning, so maybe I can sneak in a quick 9 holes of golf tomorrow morning.

Now there are reports that Biden had given FAA clearance for all those drones over New Jersey that so many people were panicking about, so maybe they aren’t the aliens after all. Never mind.

Sounds like Charles Baugh’s father’s funeral will be a graveside service at Westview Cemetery. Not sure when yet. I think Charles is paid to sing at a church, perhaps Episcopal.

ERNIE LOMBARDI  [SABR Bio] doubled in four consecutive innings, off four different pitchers. On 08-May-1935, Lombardi doubled off Philadelphia’s Syl Johnson, Orville Jorgens, Euel Moore, and Frank Pearce in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th innings. Lombardi played for the Brooklyn Robins in 1931 and the Boston Braves in 1932. He is the only National Leaguer to ground into 30 double plays and still win the MVP in 1938. Lombardi was the first ever with 30+ GIDP. The high school originally named for educator John William McClymonds is the alma mater of Lombardi, Frank Robinson, Bill Russell of the Celtics (NBA HOF), the NBA’s Paul Silas (a College Basketball HOFer), and All-Stars Curt Flood and Vada Pinson also attended that school.

Luke 12:22. Jesus said to his disciples Do not be anxious about your life, what you eat, nor about your body, or what clothes you’ll wear. 23. Life is about more than food and clothing. 24. Consider the birds: they neither sow nor reap. They neither store up food in barns, yet God feeds them. You are much more valuable than birds! 25. Who by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 26. If you aren’t able to do such a small thing as that, then why do you worry about the rest? 27. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin, yet even Solomon in all his glory was not as beautiful as them. 28. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive today but burned tomorrow, how much more will he clothe you, oh you of little faith? 29. Do not seek what you will eat or drink, nor be worried. 30. The nations of the world seek after these things. Your Father knows that you need them. 31. Seek God’s kingdom, and all these things will be added to you. 32. Fear not, my flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33. Sell your possessions and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with treasure in heaven that doesn’t fail, where no thief approaches, and no moth destroys. 34. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Red One

Watched a good movie on Friday night: Red One, about Santa Claus being kidnapped. A story of redemption. With all the good vs evil in the plot, it made me want to read the Plugged In Online review, which I haven’t looked up in a long time (because I watch so few movies these days).

Jack Tiger

18  15 majors won

19  07 runner up in major

56  33 top 5 in major

06  12 missed cut

46  26 top 3 finishes

72  82 tour victories

57  31 tour runnerup

Weekend: Ceil was worn out from the week. I worked from home on Friday, then after 5 pm we both crashed on the couch. We were going to go out to eat, but we both fell asleep. I had a deep sleep for an hour and a half. Had soup for supper.

Worked around the house on Saturday, after a morning Zoom call with friends in India. Anna & Caleb brought Goose over to play with Winnie. Late in the afternoon I drove Ceil to Dekalb Farmers Market. While she was shopping I had time to (1) donate items to Goodwill, (2) grab a drink at RaceTrac, (3) cash in a dollar chicken sandwich deal at McDonalds, and (4) clean out my email.

Took North Druid Hills to Clairmont to Peachtree Industrial to eat at Taqueria. On the way home I took Johnson Ferry to 400 then a wrong turn onto 285, then Riverside to Johnson Ferry to Lower Roswell back home. Didn’t get back until like 930.

Plans are always changing with C. I’ve learned to go with the flow. Sunday morning Ceil said she was headed down to help Will with the girls. But when I came downstairs to go to church she said she didn’t have to after all. She wasn’t going to church because she was so worn out. Then she changed her mind and went anyway. I dropped her off, then had to park in the far lot. In Sunday School I could tell she was out of sorts. She went to get a coffee. I texted her, saying I could take her home. She agreed. Dropped her off at the house. Had time before the service to donate more to Goodwill, stop in Dollar Tree, and get another dollar chicken sandwich at McDonalds.

After church I stopped by RaceTrac and gassed up Ceil’s car. She napped on the couch all afternoon, so I did too. Watched the two NFL games. At 9 pm Ceil didn’t want to watch her show – she kept watching the game until it ended. I went to bed after the game.

Up early this morning to lift weights at the gym.

Unfounded rumor: Could Jim Haskell be a candidate to be the new SPdL pastor? No, says Reid Whitaker.

Guess you heard that Charles Baugh’s father passed away this weekend. Haven’t heard about when the funeral will be. When Charle’s mother died I think they only had a graveside service at Westview Cemetery.

Former Georgia QB Jake Fromm signed with the Detroit Lions.

Why Seinfeld Recast Frank Costanza.

DEL CRANDALL [SABR Bio] caught no-hitters of fellow Milwaukee Braves Jim Wilson (12-Jun-1954), Lew Burdette (18-Aug-1960), and Warren Spahn (16-Sep-1960) - all three against the Phillies. Crandall was born in the city of Ontario, California. Crandall debuted on 17-Jun-1949. Gold Gloves were first awarded in 1957. Crandall won his in 1958, 1959,1960, and 1962. Both Walter Johnson and Arky Vaughan also attended Crandall’s high school, Fullerton Union.

Upcoming UFO documentary filmed in secret claims "biggest discovery" in human history – that the unidentified “drones” over the Northeast are an advanced race of terrestrial beings who live beneath the earth’s ocean. Somehow the drones shift shapes – could they be demons? But today these theories were busted when it came out that Biden had given FAA clearance for the drones. So there.

A Forensic Arborist says Nearly all California Wildfires have been Caused by direct energy weapons which means the governor is entrenched with the deep state / NWO.

A 70-year-old who got fit after retiring shares tips for getting active.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Has God Abandoned Us?

Has God Abandoned Us?
Clay Smith JFBC

Romans 1:21-32 deals with the condemnation of our sin. What life is like without God. Not hard to understand, just hard to hear. Heavy subject to deal with, especially for parents. God's truth needs to be heard.

The root of sin: the exchange of glory. Claiming to be wise, they became fools. Goes back to Adam & Eve. Genesis 3:1-7 Satan gets you to doubt what God has said. Change incorruptible God for corruptible things of man

We have plenty of idols. Good things can become idols. We learn what our idols are when they're taken away from us. This passage is a picture of sinful humanity.

The Fruit of Sin…

1. v 24-25 defective desires. God gave humanity up to the lusts of their hearts. They wanted the wrong things. "God gave them up" - God actively removed his hand of restraint so that they would suffer the consequences of their actions.

Like the prodigal son. God's heart was like the father's…he longed for his son to come home.

They exchanged the truth of God for the falsehood, not worshipping the creator but the creature. We are saints who suffer and sin. Why being a part of a church is so important.

2. v 26-27 degrading passions. Because they exchanged God for their passions. In Paul's day the world was given over to sexual passions. Prostitutes in the temples. Having these degrading passions is part of the penalty.

Clay: homosexuality is not an unforgivable sin. Some struggle with this temptation. We shouldn't condemn these people. This passage covers a number of sins: cheating on a spouse. All are forgivable. Ask for help from the body of Christ.

3. v 28-32 depraved minds. Not able to stand the test, flawed. Paul lists 20 ways, so many that we deal with every day. Gossips strife envy murder pride boastful …disobedient to parents, unmerciful…life in 2025

Clay called out Andrew Tate, who has millions of followers. Braggart, convert to Islam. He's exchanging the truth of God for a lie. He's an influencer in the worst way.

V 32 people approve of evil people.

The Awesome Promise: it's not too late. 1 Cor 6:9-11 such were some of you, but you were washed and sanctified. We can have a new life in Jesus. These baptisms are a testimony to this, that God saves us from our sins.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Top Tens

Discussion in the office about the top ten Braves. Ten is more than the four you’d put on Mt Rushmore. Braves Hawks Falcons Jackets Yankees…who you got?

My criteria is (1) hall of fame, (2) MVPs, (3) other awards like championships won, all star appearances, other awards. Also longevity with the team is a key factor. Screw those players that jump from team to team. The Braves have had very few players in their 100+ year history who have won two MVP awards.

1. Aaron

2. Spahn

3. Mathews

4. Chipper

5. Niekro

6. Maddux

7. Glavine

8. Smoltz

9. Murphy

10 is who? Most probably Andruw. Acuna? McCann? Pendleton? Johnny Sain? Horner? Rabbitt Maranville? Torre? Lou Burdette?

1. Claude Humphrey HOF 6 PB in 10 years .60

2. Tommy Nobis 5 PB in 11 yr, all decade team .45

3. Matt Ryan Super Bowl, 4 PB in 14 yr, MVP .29

4. Julio Jones 7 PB in 10 yr .70

5. Jessie Tuggle 5 PB in 14 yr .36

6. William Andrews 4 PB in 6 yr .67

7. Deion Sanders 3 PB in 5 years .60

8. Mike Vick 3 PB in 6 yrs .50

9. Jeff Van Note 6 PB in 18 yrs .33

10. Bartkowski 2 PB in 11 yr .18

HM: Some say Roddy White

For the Falcons, Mike Kenn or George Kunz might be a good pick. Both were pro bowlers.

1. Bob Pettit

2. Dominique

3. Mutombo

4. Maravich

5. Lou Hudson

Walt Bellamy?
Trae Young?

Kevin Willis?

What recent player has been on the Hawks long even to make the top ten all time? Trae Young would be a very questionable pick.

1. Ruth

2. Gehrig

3. DiMaggio

4. Mantle

5. Berra

6. W Ford

7. Rivera

8. Jeter

9. Munson

10. Elston Howard, Maris, Posada or Judge or Guidry or Paul O’Neil. I’d have to dig to determine some of the older hall of fame Yankees.

Top ten golfers. Criteria would be majors, then wins. Tiebreakers could be second place finishes, top tens.  You would know the top ten current golfers better than me.  Off the top of my head…

1. Nicklaus

2. Woods

3. Bobby Jones

4. Palmer

5. Ben Hogan

6. Sam Snead

7. Walter Hagan

8. Player

9. Tom Watson

1. Mickelson

HM: Scheffler. We all thought Jordan Speith was the next Tiger, but he quickly faded. NOTE: these lists were compiled in July 2024 but never posted.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Icy White

Someone was wondering if Patrick Mahomes should be considered the greatest ever if he wins a third straight championship this year. My friend Eddie reminded everyone that Bart Starr won the NFL championship in 1965, then won the first two Super Bowls in 1966 and 1967.

For as long as I can remember football teams have worn white jerseys and pants, usually for road games. A few teams wear non white pants: Tech, Green Bay, Steelers, Raiders, 49ers, etc. Falcons started off wearing white jerseys and pants, and it looked good. Now all white unis are a trend, which isn’t the worst thing ever. Teams like to pair white “socks” with the white over white. Not my favorite, but could be worse.  

Twelve NFL teams wore head to toe white:

The Dolphins, Cardinals, Bills, Chargers, and Colts regular uniforms are all white.

Bengals, Vikings, Packers, and Jaguars created special icy white helmets so they could wear all white.

Cowboys, Jets, Dolphins, and Browns wore white throwback helmets.

Additionally, many teams wore white jerseys, pants, and socks with their regular non white helmets. Falcons, Ravens, Panthers, Browns, Broncos, Lions, Texans, Jaguars, Chiefs, Vikings, Saints, Jets, Eagles, 49ers, Seahawks, Titans, and Redskins. Couldn’t the Buccaneers and Giants be added to this list? The Rams and Bears and Titans could wear all white, but chose not to.

Might be easier to list who isn’t wearing all white: the Raiders and Steelers. Both did, back in the 60’s.  

College teams on my radar screen who regularly wear all white include Alabama, Texas, Penn State, Georgia Tech, SC, Mississippi State, Auburn, UNC, Oklahoma, Stanford, and Clemson.

Seems like maybe last year a golf tourney ended early so as to not conflict with the NFL playoffs. On Super Bowl Sunday I think the Phoenix Open at least tees off early as well. Saw where Tiger’s Genesis Open was moved from Rivieria down the coast due to the fires.

The Crossing: I looked at getting the chicken tenders but caved and ordered the burger, when the waiter said the burger was a combo of ground beef and ground brisket. I almost got the baked potato and probably should have. In addition to The Crossing, downtown Norcross is only one block long but has several good restaurants: Dominics Italian, a Cuban Bistro, and a burger bar plus more.

I feel discombobulated with all the cold. Left early on Tuesday. Worked from home, then small group on Wed nite.  Seminar last night. Working from home today because none of my coworkers were going to show. Went to the gym this morning and worked out for 60 minutes again. Been setting the treadmill go I’d be going uphill. Ceil at W&MC’s today so me and Winnie have the house to ourselves.

DENISON: the President of the United States is not president of every nation on Earth. The President should be focused on America first. He believes even the nation’s European allies “treat the United States very, very unfairly.” The governance of a country will not always mirror the calling or responsibility of individual Christians. The moment we begin to treat any person as our example of what it means to live a moral and Christ-centered life, we’ve strayed from the standard to which God holds each of us. The definition of a Christian is quite literally a “little Christ,” and we are meant to live out that identity every day.

Luke 12:13-21 Parable of the rich fool. 13. Jesus was asked “Tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. 14. Jesus replied Who made me a judge over you? 15. Guard against all covetousness for life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. 16. The land of a rich man produced plentifully 17. and he thought what should he do, he has nowhere to store his crops? 18. I will tear down my barns and build larger ones and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19. I’ll say to myself that I have ample goods stored up for many years so I can relax and eat, drink, and be merry. 20. God said to him Fool! This night your soul is required of you, the things you have prepared, whose will they be? 21. So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

First Bite: The Crossing

Lunch today at The Crossing, the current restaurant in the old Norcross rail station. Used to eat there when it was The Norcross Station. The dark wood inside walls have been  painted white, brightening the place considerably. Fancy menu. Waiter shamed us into getting our burgers only cooked medium, which is much too rare for my tastes. Burger was certainly juicy. A decent burger and the fries were okay.

Brad's dinner sized chicken dish wasn't as big as he's expected. Dennis' sirloin looked good. I hadn't eaten since my big pizza lunch the day before. 

Thought about driving up to Chattanooga this afternoon to see Steve Martin & Martin Short, but that would've been exausting. Instead I attended a seminar on social security - not realizing I had attended the exact same seminar last year. Still educational. Jeff Barnard looks like actor Kris Marshall from Death in Paradise.

Denison's Biblical perspective on the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Service, bishop urges "have mercy" - illegal immigration is a complex issue. The Bible says immigrants are to obey the law and customs of the land (Isaiah 56:6–7) and to assimilate into the culture of their host country (Deut 5:14; 16:9–15). They are not to break the law (Prov 6:30–31). The Bible affirms the importance of border security: “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples” (Deut 32:8). The Promised Land’s borders are delineated in Numbers 34:1–15 and Ezekiel 47:13–23. While Scripture calls us to be merciful (Luke 6:36; James 2:13; Matthew 5:7), it also calls us to seek justice and to uphold the rule of law (Isaiah 1:17; Amos 5:24; Prov 21:15), a role that is especially assigned to governmental leaders (Romans 13:1–7).

Rather than challenging the president directly while addressing only one side of the debate, the bishop should have focused on Jesus and invited those in the Cathedral and around the world to personal faith in him. She said the service was intended as a “one-on-one conversation with the president.” But what about everyone else in attendance? Anglican leader David Roseberry said the bishop “closed a door” when she “delivered a lecture—aimed not at the congregation, but at a single member in it. The pulpit became a podium, the sanctuary a platform for ethical and political instruction.” In Roseberry’s view, “The subject of every sermon should always be Jesus Christ.” He believed the bishop’s message “would better have been said in another place at another moment - the sermon was a singular, sacred opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in attendance and around the world.” 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

First Bite: JJ's New York Pizza

I tried out JJ’s Pizza here in East Cobb for lunch. Pretty good NY style pizza. They had several different types of pizza. You tell them what you want and they heat it up in the oven. Huge slices. I shouldn’t have, but I ate 6 slices. Now I am stuffed. They were pretty busy for a Wednesday afternoon. parking lot was full with people at Crunch Fitness next door.

QUESTION: when it freezes do you have to leave the faucet dripping if you are waking up several times during the night and flushing the toilets?

Drew Kelly posted an old WSB-TV news report from 1976 about a monopoly marathon at Georgia Tech. I had remembered my old GT roommate Wayne Smith talking about it, and there he was front and center. 

I always remember years and years ago, in the 80’s when I house sat for the Whitakers and I saw a fox. Another time I saw a racoon.

When people leave church early it is super distracting. If I knew I had to leave early, I would sit near an exit, near the back. Every now and then pastor Clay will ask that people not leave early, but lately I haven’t noticed many people leaving early. The 1130 service usually does stretch past 1230. I send my email of notes when Clay finishes preaching.

Reminds me of one time when I was in Chapel Choir, back in the early 80’s. I was in college and maybe the high school guys looked up to me. On Sunday nights we would sing and then before the sermon we would file down past the organ on the stage left of the pulpit, supposedly to sit down near the organ. One time an old girlfriend slipped in to the service late and sat down in front near the piano, on stage right. Hadn’t seen her in months / years. She obviously was there to see me. So I filed out past the organ and walked up the side of the sanctuary all the way to the back, then through the vestibule to the other side of the sanctuary and down to sit with the girl. Later Condra let me know that a line of boys had followed me all the way out of the sanctuary. Oops.

Did you see where when it came time for Carrie Underwood to sing at the inauguration, the music wouldn’t play? It didn’t phase her, she just said she’d sing without the music, and invited everyone to sing along with her. Did a great job.

Both W&MC were off for the holiday, so C didn’t drive down to keep the girls. Customer was closed on Monday so I did a lot of catching up. Left shortly after 5 pm. Dropped off items at Goodwill. Too cold to go inside. Supper was BBQ chicken, rice, and broccoli.  

How late did you stay up Monday night? I didn’t really pay much attention to the game. Was on my laptop and phone. Went to bed around 1030 after ND missed that short field goal. Nice to have a game with traditional uniforms – both teams wore grey facemasks. You never see that any more.

Was looking for a warm pair of pants to wear on Tuesday. Most of my pants are lightweight dri-fit material. Found a heavier pair in the back of my closet that I put on. Had a piece of paper in the pocket dated Feb 23, 2020. Hadn’t worn them in almost 5 years. Nice pants.

My customer in Augusta closed Tuesday at 1 pm, and won’t reopen until Thursday morning. My office was open Tuesday morning. Monday night my boss had sent out a text saying it would be business as usual, perhaps so those looking for a reason not to come in would have no excuse.

Evidently there was enough snow over at the office for the boss to say to work from home. Not many at the plant. No trucks rolled this morning. Ice down near the old Braves stadium downtown. Vendor in Conyers is closed. Snow up in Lavonia. But not here in East Cobb. Small group tonight – via Zoom.

Ate pancakes Tuesday night – and had the leftovers for breakfast. Since I was working from home, I finally went back to the gym and worked out for an hour this morning. Ceil was at school.